'..But I would like you to appeal to the old Nazis who are still alive to come forward and address the problem of neo-Nazis in Germany today .. I have forgiven the Nazis and everyone who has hurt me .. My ideas in life are very different, I know. I am in the minority -- maybe a minority of one. I know how society looks at it, but as I look at society, I do not think it is working very well.'<blockquote>'Everything [Oskar Groening] is accused of -- I am saying he did all that. I have forgiven the Nazis and everyone who has hurt me, but I told him that my forgiveness did not prevent me from accusing him nor from him taking responsibility for his actions. And I told the media that he was a small screw in a big killing machine, and the machine cannot function without the small screws. But obviously he is a human being. His response to me is exactly what I was talking about when I said you cannot predict what will happen when someone from the victims' side and someone from the perpetrators' side meet in a spirit of humanity.
If I had it my way, the dialogue between the survivors and perpetrators would have started a long time ago. And it would have helped the survivors cope and maybe heal themselves, but even more so not to pass the pain on to their children.
My ideas in life are very different, I know. I am in the minority -- maybe a minority of one. I know how society looks at it, but as I look at society, I do not think it is working very well. So what I am saying is, maybe we ought to try something else. And my idea is for people from the victims' side and people from the perpetrators' side to come together, face the truth, try to heal, and work together to prevent it from ever happening again.'
- Eva Kor,
Holocaust survivor, April 24, 2025</blockquote>
'Our scholastics of the Spanish Golden Century established the foundations of modern economics .. which is based on real human beings endowed by entrepreneurial creativity .. These contributions are centered around the subjective theory of value and the moral principles related to private property rights .. [If] these contributions were not forgotten, most of the economic crises and recessions as well as many of the wars and genocides that have affect humankind in the last century could have been avoided.'<blockquote>'Our scholastics of the Spanish Golden Century established the foundations of modern economics, and specifically of the Austrian School of economics, which is based on real human beings endowed by entrepreneurial creativity and who are the true and only protagonists of all dynamic market processes.
These contributions are centered around the subjective theory of value and the moral principles related to private property rights that are indispensable for a market economy. All these contributions were later developed in detail by the Austrian School.
Should these contributions were not forgotten, most of the economic crises and recessions as well as many of the wars and genocides that have affect humankind in the last century could have been avoided. But we have many reasons to be optimistic: today we are in a position to rebuild the economic science based on the great contributions of our scholastics like Diego de Covarrubias, Martin Azpilcueta, Saravia de la Calle and many others.
In this way we will be able to offer a truly fruitful economic science at the service of humankind and civilization..'
- Jesús Huerta de Soto (
(Haptopraxeology) - '..We have lost three centuries as a result of ignoring our scholars!')</blockquote>
(Praxeology) - '..Menger’s experience stressed subjective factors..'The Garden of ForgivenessIn The Electric Universe a Future of Peace and Love(Bazaarmodel) - «esprit incarné» - '..It is impermissible to separate the "mental" or "spiritual" from the "material." ''..ethics in particular .. absolute principle of ethics..' - '..deze fundamentele ethiek..'</blockquote>