'..a theory of the process of human interactions .. praxeology..'
(Haptonomy - Affectivity) - Praxeology as the Method of the Social Sciences - (Affective) Phenomenology of the Social World - (
'..a man's affective response..')
'..the skills of deeply human interaction .. Learning to be more socially sensitive.. Just think of what we’re being asked to do—to become more essentially human..''..figuring out what computers will never do is an exceedingly perilous route to determining how humans can remain valuable. A better strategy is to ask, What are the activities that we humans, driven by our deepest nature or by the realities of daily life, will simply insist be performed by other humans, even if computers could do them?
Humans will remain in charge..The issue isn’t computer abilities; it’s the social necessity that individuals be accountable for important decisions..
Humans must work together to set collective goalsIn addition, humans rather than computers will have to solve some problems for purely practical reasons. It isn’t because computers couldn’t eventually solve them. It’s because in real life, and especially in organizational life, we keep changing our conception of what the problem is and what our goals are..
Only humans can satisfy deep interpersonal needsA more important category of people-only work comprises the tasks that we must do with or for other humans, not machines, simply because our most essential human nature demands it, for reasons too deep even to be articulated. We are social beings, hardwired from our evolutionary past to equate personal relationships with survival. We want to work with other people in solving problems, tell them stories and hear stories from them, create new ideas with them .. The evidence is clear that the most effective groups are those whose members most strongly possess the most essentially, deeply human abilities—empathy above all, social sensitivity, storytelling, collaborating, solving problems together, building relationships. We developed these abilities of interaction with other people, not machines, not even emotion-sensing, emotion-expressing machines..
..Bossert’s emphatic response was that computers would indeed eliminate jobs, and we should be grateful because we could then focus on the essence of being human, doing what we were meant to do. That observation led him to a memorable conclusion: “If you’re afraid that you might be replaced by a computer, then you probably can be—and should be.”
It has taken a while, but the large-scale takeover of many thinking tasks by computers, leaving people with the deeply human tasks of social interaction, is becoming a broad phenomenon.
As a result, the meaning of great performance has changed. It used to be that you had to be good at being machine-like. Now, increasingly, you have to be good at being a person. Great performance requires us to be intensely human beings.
To put it another way: Being a great performer is becoming less about what you know and more about what you’re like.
..the skills of deeply human interaction .. Learning to be more socially sensitive .. an employee who’s uninterested in human interaction is trouble..
The current transformation of how people create value is historically quite sudden. Most people’s essential skills remained largely the same from the emergence of agriculture 12,000 years ago to the dawn of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century. The transition to an industrial economy in the Western nations, and the accompanying shift in skill values, took well over 100 years. The subsequent turn to a knowledge-based economy took most of the 20th century. Now, as technology gallops ahead with longer strides every year, the transition to the newly valuable skills of empathizing, collaborating, creating, leading, and building relationships is happening faster than corporations, governments, education systems, or most human psyches can keep up with. That’s disorienting, and it gets more so as the fundamental nature of value shifts from what you know to what you’re like.
As economies have evolved over the centuries, we’ve always looked outward to get the new skills we require, to elders, schools, trainers, and employers that knew and could teach us what we needed to know. Now, for the first time, we must also look inward. That’s where we find the elements of the skills we need next. Developing those abilities will not be easy or comfortable for some, and it is likely to get harder for everyone, because as the abilities become more valuable, standards will rise. Even those who are good at them will have to get better.
If the prospect sounds worrying, it shouldn’t. On the contrary, it’s wonderful news. Just think of what we’re being asked to do—to become more essentially human, to be the creatures we once were and were always meant to be. Odd as it may sound, that’s a significant change from what we’re used to. For the past 10 generations in the developed world, and shorter but still substantial periods in many emerging economies, most people have succeeded by learning to do machine work better than machines could do it. Now that era is ending. Machines are increasingly doing such work better than we ever could. We face at least the opportunity to create new and better lives.
Staking our futures to our profoundest human traits may feel strange and risky. Fear not. When you change perspectives and look inward rather than outward, you’ll find that what you need next has been there all along. It has been there forever.
In the deepest possible sense, you’ve already got what it takes. Make of it what you will.'
- Geoff Colvin,
Humans are underrated Humans Are Underrated, August 4, 2015
Context Affectivity, Action, Electricity(Praxeology) - '..Menger’s experience stressed subjective factors..'((Hapto)praxeology) - '..patterns of behavior or human action, such as money, the market, law, etc..'(Hapto)praxeology - '..an entrepreneurial, creative manner .. the subjective information or knowledge people create in the processes of social interaction.'((Hapto)praxeology) - '..an affective pursuit..'((Hapto)praxeology) - 'Let us welcome The Human Age .. in our individual role to make Humanity sustainable..'The Ethics of Money Production - '..the care of souls.' - 'The point is to return to a universal respect for property rights.''..monetary knowledge .. of currency reform under difficult conditions you have to go to Carl Menger.''..the development of money and Credit..'(Mind-Body Medicine) - '..the health of our minds and the health of our bodies are inextricably connected to the transformation of the spirit.'Affectivity, Action, Electricity - '..in order to preserve society itself..'(Learning - Affectivity, Action, Electricity) - '..the Kahn Academy says "Start learning now. Completely free, forever". ''Companies Are Finally Learning To Share—The Open Source Way'