<blockquote>"Still, Georgia bears some of the blame for the fighting over South Ossetia, the official said. Recently, the United States has had "very blunt exchanges with" Georgia, telling its leaders that they have no chance of winning a war with Russia and that they should stick to a path of diplomacy. The official said European allies have told the United States thatby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Nixey sees in Saakashvili a man of contradictions. With his fluent English, he appears remarkably Western and cautious, but in his native 'Georgian speaking to other Georgians', Nixey observes, he sounds like a hardline nationalist. 'Even his friends,' he adds, 'see him as something of a loose cannon.' But if Saakashvili - perhaps prodded by aby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>'A senior U.S. official, speaking to reporters on the traditional diplomatic condition of anonymity, was more blunt, saying that Russia was attacking Georgian territory with ballistic missiles and large strategic bombers that can carry 54,000 pounds of bombs. "I, for the life of me, can't imagine how that could be a proportional response to allegations that Gby ProjectC - Project C
The credit crunch one year on Mission creep at the Fed From The Economist print edition Aug 7th 2008 | WASHINGTON, DC Source In a special section marking the anniversary of the credit crunch, we start with the Federal Reserve. Its creative response to the crisis may have staved off catastrophe, but may also have put its independence at risk WHEN he was still in academia, Ben Bernankby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"But the events of the last few hours suggest that Aushev’s more general comments deserve far more attention. “No one wants to understand,” he told “Novaya gazeta,” “that the situation in the Caucasus has changed. This is a new wave of radicalization,” one involving young people who “no longer believe anyone.” The young people, he continued, “see no justice around themby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Deflation challenges many of the assumptions that work in an inflationary context: “Property is a safe investment.” and “You’ll be fine in equities in the long term.” and “Governments don’t default.” When people are forced to reconsider these cherished touchstones of their financial beliefs, they will also reconsider the cherished notions of their political beliefs. It wasby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"The EU and Nato should make clear to Russia that unrest in South Ossetia is not an excuse for invading Georgia. One possible approach is to seize on Moscow's desire for a new collective security treaty for Europe, which president Dmitry Medvedev proposed in July. Europe should tell Moscow that if it wants the treaty to be taken seriously, Moscow must show that it, tooby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"...Studies suggest that nearly a third of workers feel they do not have time to reflect on, or process, the work they do, with more than half juggling too many tasks simultaneously that they find it difficult to get jobs done. Distraction is part of the human condition. But now every force conspires to magnify that inattentiveness: technology means that distraction isby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"A few other striking elements of this spectacle deserve attention. One is the grandiosity that saturates the story elements, and the remarkable impotence of it all. The Batman possesses every high-tech weapon and survival implement ever dreamed up, yet they avail him nothing..."</blockquote> Dark (K)night By Jim Kunstler August 01, 2008 Source Tby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>'Peters tells Linux.com that her vision is not to manage people but to empower them. "When I first started working, I had a boss who said, 'Stormy, what can I do for you,' and I've stuck with that every since. A manager's role is to help people by working for them or with them to get things done. These people are working on GNOME because they'rby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"...Nevertheless, believing in the myth of market equilibrium, the regulators confidently abdicated their responsibility to investigate these instruments. All too casually, as we now know, they assumed the market would automatically correct any excesses. ... As a science of human relations, economics proves its worth by identifying generalizable patterns of human beby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"I tend to view subprime as chiefly a “lower end” issue with respect to the real economy. And it is my view that the greatest – as well as least appreciated – Bubble Economy Excesses were at The “Upper-middle” to “Upper-end.” It is in The Upper-ends where years of Credit excess had the most pronounced effects on incomes, household net-worth, spending, and government revenby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"...Maria Benedita Sousa used a small loan five years ago to buy two sewing machines and start her own business making women’s underwear. Today Ms. Sousa, a mother of three who started out working in a jeans factory making minimum wage, employs 25 people in a modest two-room factory that produces 55,000 pairs of cotton underwear a month. ... Despite investor fears aby ProjectC - Project C
By Paul Goble Thursday, July 31, 2008 Source Vienna, July 31 – The Russian Federation, like many other post-Soviet states, is plagued by a kind of corruption that gets far less attention there and in the West than it deserves given the far greater impact on that country’s future it is certain to have -- the illicit purchase of admissions to universities and of grades and even degrees once aby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"But as a professor, students say, Mr. Obama was in the business of complication, showing that even the best-reasoned rules have unintended consequences, that competing legal interests cannot always be resolved, that a rule that promotes justice in one case can be unfair in the next."</blockquote> The Long Run Teaching Law, Testing Ideas, Obama Stood Sligby ProjectC - Project C
By Frank Shostak 12/17/2003 Source The yearly rate of growth of money M2 fell to 5.2% in November from 7.5% in October while the yearly rate of growth of money M3 fell to 4.7% in November from 7.5% in the previous month. How seriously should one take the recent softening in the yearly rate of growth of money supply? Some analysts believe that this softening in the growth momentum could caby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Ms. Mane said combatting the epidemic requires not only health interventions, but the promotion of human rights and equality for women. She noted, for example, that one-third of the world's countries still do not have laws that protect people living with HIV-AIDS from discrimination and that, in far too many countries, girls still have limited access to educationby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"...today's mess was many years in the making and there is no easy, painless exit strategy. But the need to introduce more banking discipline is yet another reason why the policymakers must refrain from excessively expansionary macroeconomic policy at this juncture and accept the slowdown that must inevitably come at the end of such an incredible boom. For most centralby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Finally Brazil, which in the past has indulged in the typical Latin American follies of excessive government spending, wild borrowing sprees, hopelessly sloppy monetary policy leading to hyperinflation and inadequate protection of property rights, particularly foreign property rights. Now things are different. Foreign debt has halved as a percentage of GDP since 2002, whilby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"An important prerequisite for such important adjustments on Iran's part rests in Israel, which has recently shown new initiatives by taking part in the French-led Mediterranean process, and by pushing the arch of compromise with its traditional foes - in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. There is no logical reason why this cannot now be extended toward Iran, which lacks a commby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Bosnia is going backwards again. The EU must stop running its policy for Bosnia for the benefit of its policy for Belgrade and Kosovo. Brussels must toughen up its conditionality, support its instruments on the ground, resist attempts to undermine the Bosnian state, insist on constitutional reform to make Bosnia more functional and tackle corruption which is becoming everby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Abroad, riots shook India after the government trimmed fuel subsidies. Truckers in Britain, France, Spain and South Korea have clogged the roads to protest rising fuel prices. In the Philippines, soaring prices for oil and petroleum-based fertilizer have derailed the economy and ignited calls for a cut in the tax on oil imports. With her popularity at a record low, Presideby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>...You Know The Banking System Is Unsound When..... Here are those points: <blockquote>24. There is roughly $6.84 Trillion in bank deposits. $2.60 Trillion of that is uninsured. There is only $53 billion in FDIC insurance to cover $6.84 Trillion in bank deposits. Indymac will eat up roughly $8 billion of that. 25. Of the $6.84 Trillion in bank deposits, the total casby ProjectC - Project C
The Wall Street Journal By STUART LEVEY Tuesday, 02 October 2007 Source Tehran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and its radical foreign policies have provoked international sanctions. Its financial subterfuge has led key banks and businesses world-wide to sever their Iranian business ties, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's blunders are debilitating Iran's economy. As a resulby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Iran's achievement is creating an image of itself as a scary superpower when it's really a paper tiger." -- Former senior Mossad officer</blockquote> Israel's Debate Over an Iran Strike By Tim McGirk and Aaron J. Klein / Jerusalem Thursday, Jul. 24, 2008 Source Despite President Bush's insistence that the military option remainsby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"Enjoying unlimited access to borrowings during periods of systemic stress, the GSEs evolved into the powerful liquidity backstop for the leveraged speculating community and the securities markets generally. Like clockwork, the Greenspan Fed would aggressively cut rates and the GSEs would aggressively expand Credit. And without the GSEs as buyers eager to pay top dollar fby ProjectC - Project C
By Paul Rincon Science reporter, BBC News 22 July 2008 Source The first official image of a Russian-European manned spacecraft has been unveiled. It is designed to replace the Soyuz vehicle currently in use by Russia and will allow Europe to participate directly in crew transportation. The reusable ship was conceived to carry four people towards the Moon, rivalling the US Ares/Orion sby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"The financial crisis, still in its early stages, is apparent to everyone: gasoline prices over $4 a gallon; skyrocketing education and medical-care costs; the collapse of the housing bubble; the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble; stock markets plunging; unemployment rising; massive underemployment; excessive government debt; and unmanageable personal debt. Little doubt existsby ProjectC - Project C
<blockquote>"But the proposed bail-out of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac makes that of Bear Stearns look like a model of good governance. It sets an example for other countries of what not to do. The same administration that failed to regulate, then seemed enthusiastic about the Bear Stearns bail-out, is now asking the American people to write a blank cheque. They say: “Trust us.” Yes, weby ProjectC - Project C
By Mister Mortgage July 25th, 2008 Source I am not suggesting all CDO’s are worth 10 cents on the dollar, but this is sounding like the most realistic loss estimate to date. It’s no wonder why the banks have done everything possible to hide these losses and keep the bond insurers afloat. To be specific, the securities in question consist of 10 CDOs of which two are ’super senior’ strips aby ProjectC - Project C