' "In my mind you can transform a company in two ways. First, by innovating in what you do which is the obsession of the word. To be a Google, to be a Facebook, to be a Tesla. But there is a more interesting, human way of transforming yourself. It's about how you treat your employees." Vineet decided to embark on the path of transforming how the company worked and how it trby ProjectC - Project C
'Now the spin doctors and censors will try to find a way to convince 1.4 billion people that Dr Li's death is not a clear example of the limits to the party's ability to manage an emergency - when openness can save lives, and restricting it can kill.' 'The death of Dr Li Wenliang has been a heart-breaking moment for this country. For the Chinese leadership it is an epiby ProjectC - Project C
'Li Wenliang, the Chinese whistleblower doctor who became an online hero in China after warning the public of a potential "SARS-like" disease in December 2019, has died of coronavirus in Wuhan, according to several state media reports. CNN's David Culver reports from Beijing, China.' - CNN, Whistleblower doctor silenced by police dies from coronavirus, February 6, 2020by ProjectC - Project C
'..The modern world calls for people who are flexible, creative, inventive, people who can make choices themselves, people with a high degree of adaptability. We strive to help children embrace the uncertain future of tomorrow.' 'Agora is a far-reaching form of personalized learning developed in the Netherlands for all students from VMBO (vocational stream) to VWO (university stby ProjectC - Project C
'..Amir Attaran, a professor of law and epidemiology at the University of Ottawa and a frequent W.H.O. critic, called the declaration “inexcusably late.” The committee’s reasoning that it lacked enough scientific evidence to declare an emergency last week was “balderdash,” he added. .. Experts in the United States have complained of spotty epidemiological information from China.'by ProjectC - Project C
'SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Mongolia has closed from Monday until Mar. 2 all universities and educational institutes to contain the spread of a deadly coronavirus sweeping China, state media Montsame said, citing a cabinet meeting. It has also closed border crossings for auto vehicles and pedestrian traffic, from Monday, and called for all public gatherings to be canceled.' - Mongolia sby ProjectC - Project C
'4: Even the author of the new 2.6 report admits that we need to plan for chance that “CONTAINMENT OF THIS EPIDEMIC ISN’T POSSIBLE”. Hence I’m not being uniquely distressed about this — the public health concern is very real!! (January 25, 2020) .. 7: the author of the 2.6 transmission report now acknowledges that given the way the #coronavirus is trending, “the evidence now suggests iby ProjectC - Project C
'China’s health minister Ma Xiaowei had some very bad news Sunday about the Wuhan coronavirus: He said people can spread it before they have symptoms. A veteran adviser for a US health agency called the news a "game changer." “When I heard this, I thought, ‘oh dear, this is worse than we anticipated.’ It means the infection is much more contagious than we originally thought,”by ProjectC - Project C
'...By declaring a global emergency, WHO would set in motion coordination efforts among various countries and encourage UN member states to institute strict surveillance measures. While some initial panic could result, WHO's leadership would jolt passive governments into action. .. By WHO's own definition, an international public health emergency is "an extraordinary eveby ProjectC - Project C
'Few blame the root cause of all these failures: Loose money, fractional reserve lending, and government interventions to promote housing, solar energy, etc.' 'The Most Redeeming Feature of Capitalism is Failure There is an interesting interview in Barron's with two hedge fund managers called Shorting the Economic Recovery. Here are some interesting .. snips pertaininby ProjectC - Project C
'By the year 2000 our discussions had advanced to the point where we believed we could demonstrate, empirically, that the materialistic consensus which undergirds practically all of current mainstream psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind is fundamentally flawed .. the publication in 1903 of an extraordinary book by a largely forgotten genius, F. W. H. Myers, titled Human Personalby ProjectC - Project C
'The probability of a global crisis during 2020 is the highest since 2008. The nucleus of “The Bubble” in 2008 was in U.S. mortgage finance. “The Bubble” today is global, across virtually all financial assets (sovereign debt, stocks, corporate Credit, and derivatives), real estate (residential and commercial) and private businesses. From a Credit perspective, “The Bubble” has spread to – andby ProjectC - Project C
'Are consumers ready for meat grown in a lab? Companies like Memphis Meats, Aleph Farms, Higher Steaks, Mosa Meat and Meatable are all trying to bring to supermarkets around the world meat made from cultivated animal cells, but the problem has always been the cost. Now, Future Meat Technologies has raised $14 million in new financing to build its first pilot manufacturing facilities tby ProjectC - Project C
'..From my vantage point, bullishness and New Paradigm thinking these days rivals that of the early-2000 peak. Today’s faith in central banking is unrivaled – the willingness to embrace egregious excess unmatched. .. My thesis holds that unprecedented speculative leverage has accumulated throughout this most protracted period of monetary stimulus. Securities finance has boomed in so-caby ProjectC - Project C
'This is the world of open-source software, where code is written and distributed freely. 'Much of the software that powers the world's largest companies, protects our personal data, or encrypts national security information is open to the public. Anyone can download the source code behind Facebook's user interface, Google's Android operating system, or even Goldman Saby ProjectC - Project C
'The problem is the interval between the short-run and the long-run. Big powers facing decline or economic crisis are inherently a source of instability. This problem is exacerbated in China, where the personalized, de-institutionalized nature of government under Xi also creates internal sources of instability. Xi is mortal, and has grandiose ambitions: as he sees the time to achieve those aby ProjectC - Project C
'..Mises's emphasis on how specialization and exchange lead to social cooperation, and Hayek's point that exchange is about turning enemies into friends. Economics is a lot more than an explanation of material progress. It helps us understand the growth of civilization and social cooperation, and how we are able to turn our swords and spears into plowshares and pruning-hooks.'by ProjectC - Project C
'Land Life is on a mission to reforest the world’s 2 billion hectares of degraded land. A new way to fix the planet, for this generation and the next.' - Land Life Company (technology) 'Scientists have established there is room for an additional 1.2 trillion trees to grow in parks, woods and abandoned land across the planet. If such a goal were accomplished, ecologistby ProjectC - Project C
' would take a stand and withstand the wrath. Our world today is desperately lacking such leadership. Sounding hopelessly archaic, I foremost blame the current disheartening state of the world on decades of increasingly unsound finance, with inescapable financial and economic fragilities along with social and geopolitical strains (having taken root soon after Volcker departed the Fed). A worby ProjectC - Project C
'Louise Sime, a climate scientist at the British Antarctic Survey, said of the new paper: “This finding should be of huge concern for all those who will be affected by sea level rise. If this very high rate of ice loss continues, it is possible that new tipping points may be breached sooner than we previously thought.” ' 'Greenland’s ice sheet is melting much faster than previouby ProjectC - Project C
'..fundamental change would require taking on the fear factor, the doctrine of armed exceptionalism, and the way the military-industrial complex is embedded in Washington.' - '..Pentagon spending .. substantial and enduring budget reductions..' 'Several of those interviewed described explicit and sustained efforts by the U.S. government to deliberately mislead tby ProjectC - Project C
'Michigan State University's Sleep and Learning Lab has conducted one of the largest sleep studies to date, revealing that sleep deprivation affects us much more than prior theories have suggested. .. By sharing their findings on the separate effects sleep deprivation has on cognitive function, Fenn -- and co-authors Michelle Stepan, MSU doctoral candidate and Erik Altmann, profesby ProjectC - Project C
'As an aide, China is perhaps the fastest growing market for interest in Austrian economics. We constantly receive requests for materials from Chinese professors who teach at universities we have never heard of, in cities of five or ten million people which are scarcely known in the West. .. Dr. Joe Salerno describes Mises's program as "liberal nationalism," a recognitioby ProjectC - Project C
'Though it is unclear how the documents were gathered and selected, the leak suggests greater discontent inside the party apparatus over the crackdown than previously known. The papers were brought to light by a member of the Chinese political establishment who requested anonymity and expressed hope that their disclosure would prevent party leaders, including Mr. Xi, from escaping culpabilitby ProjectC - Project C
'Before the worsening of Russia-Western relations in 2014, the Russian speakers of Narva, Estonia, and Riga, Latvia, in particular, were willing to leverage their sense of being excluded and neglected in the name of mobilizing constituencies for political impact. However, they show no enthusiasm now for exchanging membership of prosperous, democratic European states for Kremlin rule. ..by ProjectC - Project C
'..Waiting seems more attractive at this point than feverishly developing an expensive, politically iffy project..' 'Putin’s great power project isn’t necessarily forever and the possibility exists that a future Russian leader will think of Russia as part of some broad European project, as Putin’s predecessor Boris Yeltsin did for a while after the Soviet Union’s collapse. But wby ProjectC - Project C
'The problem with "omnipotent central banks" is they create huge distortions across the capital market spectrum and are making the job of investing for the long run a lot more challenging.' - Leo Kolivakis, Is the Capitalist System Really Broken? November 08, 2019 Context Extraordinary Monetary Disorder - 'I have that same uncomfortable feeling I had in 2007by ProjectC - Project C
'I have that same uncomfortable feeling I had in 2007 – just a lot worse. The global financial system is self-destructing. Reckless monetary policies have inflamed late-cycle excess. I believe the scope of speculative leverage is much greater these days – on a global basis. The Fed in 2007 (and into ’08) extended a dangerous mortgage finance Bubble. Central bankers these days are prolongingby ProjectC - Project C
' told AFP that he was "very pessimistic" about his country under the increasing authoritarian rule of President Xi Jinping.' China is 'threat to world' says dissident writer By Alain Jean-Robert April 5, 2019 Source A dissident writer dubbed the "Chinese Solzhenitsyn" said Friday that his homeland is a "threat for the whole world".by ProjectC - Project C
'When the US and ultimately the rest of the Western world began to engage China, resulting in China finally being allowed into the World Trade Organization in the early 2000s, no one really expected the outcomes we see today.. .. Grand dreams of world domination are part and parcel of communist ideologies, going all the way back to Karl Marx. For the Chinese, this blends with the countby ProjectC - Project C