Category Archives: Category: Praxeology

“Mises proposes the term “praxeology” (the logic of action) for the branch of knowledge exemplified by economics.”
– Praxeology and Economic Science [1]

“Praxeology is a framework for modeling human action. The term was coined and defined as “The science of human action” in 1890 by Alfred Espinas in the Revue Philosophique, but the most common use of the term is in connection with the work of Ludwig von Mises and the heterodox Austrian School of economics.”
– Praxeology [2]

— Notes —



Turning point

‘The graveyards are full of indispensable men.’ – DeGaulle ‘The great turning point of American foreign policy came in the early 1890s, during the second Cleveland administration. It was then that the United States turned sharply and permanently from a foreign policy of peace and nonintervention to an aggressive program of economic and political expansion

‘Human action, not prediction..’

‘The State jealously guards the power over Society which it has acquired during a climate of fear .. the State (which was feared and despised in 1789) .. the “protective” service rendered by the State is paid for not only with taxes but also with subservience. Society is much poorer for it.’ – Frank Chodorov,

‘..courage of the human race .. reason’

‘O Liberty! we have seen thee hunted from country to country, crushed by conquest, groaning under slavery, insulted in courts, banished from schools, laughed at in saloons, misunderstood in workshops, denounced in churches. It seems thou shouldst find in thought an inviolable refuge. But if thou art to surrender in this thy last asylum, what

‘Economics deals with society’s fundamental problems..’

‘Economics deals with society’s fundamental problems; it concerns everyone and belongs to all. It is the main and proper study of every citizen.’ – Ludwig von Mises, Human Action ‘In the early 1920s, Mises predicted that the newly organized Soviet Union had set up an unviable economic system that would not be able to survive.

Affectivity, Action, Electricity

‘Touching is an important means for information, exchange and communication. It is a form of communication that is very important for living and surviving. Touching is essential in our life..’ – Touching.. ‘Knowledge is a tool of action. Its function is to advise man how to proceed in his endeavor to remove uneasiness..’ – Ludwig

To Reflect

‘Economics opened to human science a domain previously inaccessible and never thought of.’ – Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. (Context) ‘..the Austrians recognize that the relationship between cause and effect is not a quantitative relationship.’ – Roger Garrison (Context) ‘..a readier understanding and that the “language” of means and ends will come to be recognized as

‘..the progress of science is determined by free inquiry..’

‘ “Science” is not, as some people imagine, memorizing a list of facts (such as the names of the planets). Nor is the progress of science determined by laboratory experiments. This is because, at the edge of our knowledge, accepted laboratory experiments don’t exist and, in certain fields, laboratory experiments might not even be possible.


‘You have to have everybody share in knowledge.’ ‘I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It’s the right way to do things. I compare it to science vs. witchcraft. In science, the whole system builds on people looking at other people’s results and building on top of them. In witchcraft,

‘The crucial test of private property .. money.’

‘The crucial test of private property is the attitude of government toward money. Devaluation of currency is outright expropriation. The British empire was founded when the debased coinage was restored to standard during the opening years of the reign of Elizabeth, on the advice of Gresham. At the time, English trade was in distress, the


‘We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go completely astray into imaginary conjecture.’ – Hannes Alfvén ‘For it is through actions that the mind and reality make contact.’ – Hans-Herman Hoppe (‘..the mind’s interaction with the physical world..’) ‘..tactile contact in order to heal,