' "We expect Russia, regardless of any amendments to this constitution, to live up to its international obligations," EU spokesman Stano said, adding that the bloc did not recognize any voting that was held in Crimea, which has been annexed by Russia, and eastern Ukraine.''..reports of irregularities at some polling stations, and intimidation of activists and journalists seeking to monitor the vote, prompted the 27-nation bloc to call for an immediate investigation.
"We are aware of reports and allegations of irregularities during the vote, including voter coercion, double voting, violation of secrecy of the vote, and allegations of police violence against a journalist who was present to observe," EU spokesman Peter Stano said.
"We expect these reports to be duly investigated because these are serious allegations," Stano added.
The U.S. mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe issued a statement the same day saying it was "troubled by reports of Russian government efforts to manipulate the result of the vote."
Navalny said the opposition would not protest now because of the coronavirus pandemic but will later this year if its candidates are blocked from taking part in regional elections or if the election results are falsified.
Putin, a longtime KGB officer during the Soviet era, has been president or prime minister since 1999.
His supporters credit him with strengthening the country and its economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the crises of the 1990s.
Critics say he has weakened democratic institutions, marginalized political opponents, stifled criticism, and allowed corruption to flourish.
The EU also criticized an amendment of the reform that gave Russian law primacy over its international commitments, which defied the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, of which Moscow is a signatory.
"We expect Russia, regardless of any amendments to this constitution, to live up to its international obligations," EU spokesman Stano said, adding that the bloc did not recognize any voting that was held in Crimea, which has been annexed by Russia, and eastern Ukraine.'
EU Calls For Investigation Into Irregularities In 'Triumphant' Vote For Putin, July 2, 2020
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