'Syria war live news: Opposition takes Damascus, says al-Assad overthrown'
- Al Jazeera (
Source, December 8, 2024)
'Syria has shown that Russia:
1. Extremely weak.
2. Has thrown all its resources at Ukraine.
This is a very important signal for everyone who has territorial or other conflicts with Russia. Take action.' (Rinat, December 7, 2024)
- Trent Telenko (
Source, December 8, 2024)
'Russia’s economy is smaller than that of Chile.'
- Jeff Sonnenfeld (
Source, March 5, 2023)
Context(Ukraine's Global Offensive) - Russia's position in Syria is collapsing .. Hama liberated, Homs, [Damascus]..(Ukraine must win) - Danish PM to allies: Stop talking about ‘red lines’ and let Ukraine strike Russia'Russia's terrorist empire has been degraded to the breaking point .. Increase the pressure..' - Kasparov