

'EU plotting ban on internal combustion engine as of 2025..' - '..to have every car manufactured in America be electric by 2030..'

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'Timmermans acknowledged the critical role of car manufacturing for the European economy but said the industry needs to now move towards electric vehicles and the use of hydrogen for heavier transport.

“I know that there is a lot of nervousness. We will have this dialogue with the industry, but we cannot wait until 2029 to have a further reduction of our emissions,” he added.'

- EU plotting ban on internal combustion engine as of 2025: industry, March 3, 2021

'..to grow American jobs through clean manufacturing..'

'The electric vehicle revolution is gaining ground, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is looking to accelerate it. In a recent interview, Schumer noted that he is planning to include an ambitious proposal to President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill–one that would replace every gas car in the United States with an electric car.

The Senate Majority Leader’s proposal is ambitious, and it is one that he initially suggested in an op-ed at The New York Times in 2019. Back then, Schumer’s idea seemed incredibly challenging, but with the political landscape changing in favor of the Democrats following the 2020 presidential elections, the Senate Majority Leader’s EV ideas now seem feasible.

“It’s a bold new plan designed to accelerate America’s transition to all electric vehicles on the road, to developing a charging infrastructure, and to grow American jobs through clean manufacturing. And the ultimate goal is to have every car manufactured in America be electric by 2030..'

- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer calls to replace all gas cars in the United States with EVs, March 17, 2021


Estimate: October, 2025 – Safire Plasma (fusion) Reactors commercially available – Abundance

LPPFusion - Cheap, Safe, Clean, Unlimited and Decentralized Energy, March 2021

(Global Healing 2020 - 2050)(Clean air, soil & water) - '..a complete phase-out of wood burning for power, heat and road transport as soon as possible.'