

Big Bang Never Happened - Review

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Big Bang Never Happened

A well thought out critique of modern cosmological science., October 9, 2001
By Jason Goodman from North Augusta, SC
Though the subtitle of this book is "A startling refutation of the dominant theory of the origin of the universe," Lerner's book goes beyond that. He not only points out the problems associated with the Big Bang theory, but he criticizes the techniques used my modern cosmology as well as the theoretical particle physicists (the two rely on each other, as is explained), as well as its impact on society and vice versa (he goes into it too much for me to write about here, so just read the book), all in a valid and well-written manner.

The BBT relies mainly on the deductive method, the use of mathematical theorems to explain how the universe must be. This is the same method used by Ptolemy for his geocentric universe. Any observations contradicting it are either dismissed or altered to fit the theory. It relies heavily on "magic" through the use of processes and objects that can't be observed, such as dark matter and superstrings. However, plasma cosmology (which is NOT a version of the Steady-State theory, I might add) relies on the empirical method, the use of experimentation and observation using known processes and objects that occur in today's universe, in this case plasma and electromagnetism. No scientific magic is needed. It is formed and described by things that happen right here and now, not one-time events that supposedly happened 10-20 billion years ago under conditions that can never be recreated.

However, despite the whole deductive (BBT) vs. empirical (PC) debate, Lerner does an excellent job in refuting the BBT. Things that are observable and used to support the BBT (Microwave backgroud, redshifts, & abundance of light elements) can be explained just as well, and actually fit better with, plasma cosmology. Even the modern interpretation of the second law of thermodynamics (entropy, which the BBT uses as "proof" that the universe wound up from a perfect past to an increasingly chaotic future) is given a run for it's money. Ilya Prigogine's work on the law is far more believable, and I suggest reading his books, such as "Order out of Chaos" which go into detail the new interpretation of the second law (Prigogine won the Nobel prize for his work on thermodynamics). Indeed, there is little to no proof suggesting that there is a thermodynamical requirement for the universe to run down into cold, dark oblivion. The redshift debacle can be explained by numerous things other than a big bang. Potential explanations include Compton scattering, the Wolf effect, and Halton Arp's variable mass scenarios. There are numerous resources on the web on non-BB redshift explanations, as well as Halton Arp's book "Seeing Red". Lerner also shows that the unobservable entities of the BBT, such as dark matter, is purely conjecture and is not supported by observation. Indeed, all things we see out in our vast, infinite universe can be explained by plasma cosmology.

I would like to note that, despite being a wonderfully superb book, "TBBNH" has its flaws. Be aware that Lerner hasn't incorporated Arp's work on redshift. Also, his treatises on the social and historical aspects of science tend to wander off course, seeminly losing touch with the main point of the book on several occasions. However, these setbacks don't keep Lerner's very important book from getting a 5-star rating in my book.