'Of course, the quality of instruction tailored to individual children and communities might not be easily measurable by states and statisticians. But if schooling someday provides a service that fits their needs, the students will come.''And EFA's Fast Track Initiative admits that
In nearly all developing countries the levels of learning achievement are shockingly low.… In many low-income countries students learn virtually nothing and end up functionally illiterate. - Source, see note 3]
In fact, the situation is so bad that Jameel says one area to be improved is "more regular attendance of teachers."
Public education has been a slowly degenerating disaster throughout the West..
In the world of free commerce, the way to make a profit is to do something that other people think cannot be done. Success comes from taking risks, from seeing what others miss, and from convincing others to join you — not from hanging on every word uttered by benevolent authorities.
But instead of focusing on gimmicks to get kids into the classes governments want to teach, educators should focus on materials that kids want to learn, or that their parents are willing to invest in.
That cannot happen until we break the chain between government and education. It cannot happen until we once again, in Rothbard's words, "give children their head," and let them seek out "a genuine and truly free education, both in and out of formal schools."
Of course, the quality of instruction tailored to individual children and communities might not be easily measurable by states and statisticians. But if schooling someday provides a service that fits their needs, the students will come.'
- Mike Reid,
Horrible Schools for the Whole World, October 12, 2012
ContextLearning - Spontaneous, Complexity, Electricity - The Unique IndividualOpen Source - 'One Education'(Open Source Learning) - Ubuntu & Android '..neatly .. mobile and desktop computing.'Affectivity, Action, Electricity - '..in order to preserve society itself..'