<blockquote>'According to a new report, the latest data from the NASA space probe Voyager 1 has left scientists
“without a working model for the outer solar system.” As the spacecraft reached what may be the outer boundary of the solar system, the solar wind had come to an inexplicable “standstill.” This was a surprise to NASA scientists, who had expected the solar wind to be deflected laterally, like water hitting a barrier. In this video, The Electric Sky author Don Scott explains why he feels this finding is not surprising, but is actually predicted by the electrical model.'
Voyager 1 Mystery — Solar Wind Ceases, October 30, 2012</blockquote>
<blockquote>'Note that the Space.com report included at the top of this report states that, “This ‘stagnation region’
came as a surprise.” And also, “the perplexing collapse of the solar wind at the edge of the heliosphere
left them without a working model for the outer solar system.”This result is not at all ‘surprising’ to plasma cosmologists and EU investigators. It is a direct, simple, application of the laboratory observations that have been made in electrical plasma laboratories for over 100 years.'
- D. E. Scott,
“Voyager 1 Sees Solar Wind Blocked”, October 2012</blockquote>
Context '..ignoring the fruits of 150 or so years of electrical science.' - Donald E. Scott<blockquote>
(NASA) - The Electric Atmosphere: Plasma Is Next NASA Science Target'August 2012. MIT and Columbia to begin project to test models of space weather using two state-of-the-art laboratory experiments,
LDX at MIT and and
CTX at Columbia.'
LDX News (
(Haptonomy - Affectivity) - Praxeology as the Method of the Social Sciences - (Affective) Phenomenology of the Social World(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)