

'..the coming bust will shatter the last bastion of investor faith..'

Posted by archive 
<blockquote>'This time we believe that the coming bust will shatter the last bastion of investor faith: the illusion that central banks are omnipotent and can 'fix' the economy and markets by waving their 'magic wand' in the form of the printing press.'

- A Bubble in ‘Safety’ Driven by Bond Funds? May 3, 2013</blockquote>

Context ..Risky Bets of Central Banks

<blockquote>'..BOJ, Fed and ECB put an exclamation mark on .. failed monetary management.'

'...the Fed chairman demonstrates an incredible lack of understanding ... a dangerous reliance on economic models...'

Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession - By Ryan Grim

The Education of Ben Bernanke - By Roger Lowenstein

((Monetary) bureaucracy) Tsunami of Malinvestment - By Martin Hutchinson</blockquote>