

'..seek the long game at the lowest possible cost.' - Daniel P. Bolger

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'..If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I think we’re there.'

<blockquote>'That said, those who served deserve an accounting from the generals. What happened? How? And, especially, why? It has to be a public assessment, nonpartisan and not left to the military. (We tend to grade ourselves on the curve.) Something along the lines of the 9/11 Commission is in order. We owe that to our veterans and our fellow citizens.

Such an accounting couldn’t be more timely. Today we are hearing some, including those in uniform, argue for a robust ground offensive against the Islamic State in Iraq. Air attacks aren’t enough, we’re told. Our Kurdish and Iraqi Army allies are weak and incompetent. Only another surge can win the fight against this dire threat. Really? If insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, I think we’re there.

..seek the long game at the lowest possible cost. It’s not a solution that is likely to spawn a legend. But in the real world, it just may well give us something better than another defeat.'

- Daniel P. Bolger, The Truth About the Wars, November 10, 2014</blockquote>


<blockquote>(2003 - 2033) - A Thirty Years' War in the Middle East

'Another war in Iraq won’t fix the disaster of the last'

(1914 - 2014) - '..the Middle East .. 100 years after that fateful summer in 1914.'

'..Are Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld any less of war criminals than Hussein?'

Prosecute Torturers and Their Bosses ('..to Prosecute Cheney..') - 'Ex-CIA boss: Cheney is 'vice president for torture'.'

(December 28, 2014) - '..The war in Afghanistan .. came to a formal end..'

(Peace) - '..defence forces in nations .. make the .. transformation to non-lethal defence..'</blockquote>