

'The people of the Middle-East need to redraw the map themselves..'

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<blockquote>'..the cost in lives and treasure is unlikely to be worth the gain. I therefore tend to agree with commenter Chris, and Bob Baer, that Iraq and Syria are doomed .. divided on sectarian and ethnic lines, and we should learn to live with that. Secure our economic interests .. Focus our attention on China and Russia..'

- Streetwise Professor (Source, May 23, 2015)</blockquote>

'The people of the Middle-East need to redraw the map themselves .. .. the solution is of understanding what is really going on .. starting an informal dialogue with tribal leaders of the region under [ISIS control] .. to understand really [of] what is going on there and on the basis of this information develop a foreign policy, which is not a foreign policy of intervention .. to influence the outcome of events in our favour of course..'

<blockquote>'The people of the Middle-East need to redraw the map themselves .. We should not back the oligarchical elites .. if we carry on with the double standards we end up loosing even the few moderate forces which are left there .. the solution is of understanding what is really going on .. starting an informal dialogue with tribal leaders of the region under [ISIS control]. Start a dialogue in order to understand really [of] what is going on there and on the basis of this information develop a foreign policy, which is not a foreign policy of intervention, but a foreign policy old style, of the 18th century diplomacy, to influence the outcome of events in our favour of course. The risk is that the redrawing of the map will be to our disadvantage and the Middle East is fundamental for us, we share the Mediterranean. So use a different kind of skills. Which of course we don't have, because our diplomacy is of the Cold War .. We need people like Metternich, Bismarck, people that understand realpolitics, and than take it from there .. The military solution is not working in a multipolar world.'

- Loretta Napoleoni (Loretta Napoleoni om Islamiska staten, minute(s) 47:12 - 48:12, April 14, 2015)</blockquote>

<blockquote>'We need to find a new approach.

Bombing is not going to be the best solution.

Why are people going there? We must find that kind of seduction.

Solution: Integration in the West. Multi ethnic society

This is there fight, not our fight.'

- Loretta Napoleoni - The Islamist Phoenix, February 10, 2015</blockquote>

'..He wanted to prevent them from becoming bad in the first place.'

<blockquote>'..Commissioner Aarslev. He spent years as a criminal investigator but ultimately no longer wanted to chase after the bad guys. He wanted to prevent them from becoming bad in the first place.


..there is a red line, one which delineates legal activity from illegal activity under Danish criminal law. Criminal activity or human rights violations perpetrated in Syria will not be tolerated and those who seek to break the law in Denmark will be prosecuted.'

- Community Response: A Danish Answer to Radical Jihad, February 23, 2015</blockquote>

<blockquote>'..won’t talking to the bad guys be more effective in bringing peace than refusing to communicate until they’re disarmed or destroyed?'

- Robert Fisk, Talking to Isis could lead to peace, yet for some reason we’re not allowed to do it, February 15, 2015</blockquote>



'..Allowing U.S. Crude Oil Exports.' - '..Canada and the US – could be global leaders in future [energy] supply developments..'

'..The renewable energy we buy meets or beats prices from the grid.'

'..seek the long game at the lowest possible cost.' - Daniel P. Bolger

'..Nagata will need the backing of the administration .. "He’s absolutely in the right place, but they have to listen to him." '

(2003 - 2033) - A Thirty Years' War in the Middle East

Terrorism for Self-Glorification - The Herostratos Syndrome</blockquote>