

'..the failure of the institution of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to successfully fight internal corruption..'

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'..to empower his deputies Sakvarelidze and Kasko to implement reforms and bring to justice those who have violated the law, regardless of rank or status.'

<blockquote>''There is one glaring problem that threatens all of the good work that regional leaders here in Odesa, in Kharkiv, in Lviv, and elsewhere are doing to improve the business climate and build a new model of government that serves the people. That problem threatens everything that the Rada, the Cabinet, the National Reform Council, and others are doing to push political and economic reforms forward and make life better for Ukrainians, and it flies in the face of what the Revolution of Dignity is trying to achieve.

That obstacle is the failure of the institution of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to successfully fight internal corruption. Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform.


Even as we support the work of the new Anti-Corruption Commission, and the recruitment of new prosecutors, we have urged Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to empower his deputies Sakvarelidze and Kasko to implement reforms and bring to justice those who have violated the law, regardless of rank or status. We are prepared to partner with reformers within the PGO in the fight for anticorruption.


We want to work with Prosecutor General Shokin so the PGO is leading the fight against corruption. We want the Ukrainian people to have confidence in the Prosecutor General’s Office, and see that the PGO, like the new patrol police, has been reinvented as an institution to serve the citizens of Ukraine.'

- Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Failure to fight corruption threatens everything that government is doing, October 12, 2015</blockquote>


<blockquote>'Ukraine's Sluggish Action On Reforms..'

'..Poland has created remarkable growth and prosperity .. Ukraine’s per capita GDP now is only a third of what it is in neighboring Poland..'

..the global battle on routing out corruption.

Transparency International

'Russia .. has to withdraw from Ukraine to gain relief from Western sanctions..'</blockquote>