

(Bazaarmodel - To Heal - Teal) '..changing how we live and work..'

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>The way we work is no longer working- most of the work done today is post-industrial, but we still organize ourselves in hierarchical and rules-based ways that were developed when the brains doing the thinking and the hands doing the work were kept separate.

We know there are better ways to structure work. They’re tried and tested, and we’re here to bring them to you.

We offer new ways to learn- online, but in community together with leaders on the same journey as you. Leaders learn by doing and engaging with others.

Guided by the philosophy developed by our co-founder, organizational changemaker Ricardo Semler over 30 years, we curate and deliver learning experiences and tools that work.

- About LeadWise (podcasts)</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Haptopraxeology)(To Heal, Teal)(Reinventing Organizations) - '..the realms of body, emotions, relationships, nature, and spirit..'

(Bazaarmodel - To Heal - Teal) Dream - Semco Style

To create the environment where we learn the Art of Being Human</blockquote>