

(Bloomberg) - Virus Shows Signs of Easing as Germany Opens, Spain Deaths Slow

Posted by ProjectC 
'..Germany is allowing smaller stores, car dealerships, bike shops and book stores to reopen on Monday, and schools will begin readmitting some students in early May in the first few steps to normalcy. In Spain by contrast, a lockdown that’s been in place since mid-March could be extended well into May, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said, and Italy won’t do any significant easing before May 4.


France has also shown signs of a lockdown bearing fruit. The country reported 642 new deaths, the smallest increase in five days, while the number of hospitalized patients, including those in intensive care, also declined further. The number of confirmed cases in France stands at 173,956 and fatalities have reached 19,349, official figures show.'

- Bloomberg, Virus Shows Signs of Easing as Germany Opens, Spain Deaths Slow, April 19, 2020


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