

Why worry about China’s leadership at the U.N.?

Posted by ProjectC 
'..This ‘centralisation’ ethos of the Chinese Communist Party, was encapsulated in Xi’s recent statement that: “Government, military, civilian, and academic, east, west, south, north, and centre, the [Communist] Party leads everything.” '

- Simon Watkins (Source, April 20, 2020)

'Wu Hongbo, former undersecretary general for the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said that “as a [People’s Republic of China] international civil servant, when it comes to Chinese national sovereignty and security, we will undoubtedly defend our country’s interests.” '

'Why worry about China’s leadership at the U.N.?

What’s the big concern? Analysts worry that Chinese international civil servants heading up these multilateral organizations will promote China’s national interests, rather than strengthen liberal values like accountability, equality and transparency. Wu Hongbo, former undersecretary general for the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said that “as a [People’s Republic of China] international civil servant, when it comes to Chinese national sovereignty and security, we will undoubtedly defend our country’s interests.”

Other reports note China uses its U.N. leadership roles to block activists from participating in human rights forums — refusing to allow civil society members to join U.N. discussions if they offer views critical of the Chinese government.'

- China already leads 4 of the 15 U.N. specialized agencies — and is aiming for a 5th, March 3, 2020


'..China’s “civil-military” fusion promoted by President Xi Jinping.' - 'China isn’t the only country to see some of its virus assistance backfire in Europe.'

'China’s Vision of Victory .. is of a world under authoritarian rule .. incompatible with U.S. democracy.'

'..countering the totalitarian Chinese government’s widespread and horrific human rights abuses..'

'The [annual review] shall assess whether China has eroded Hong Kong's civil liberties and rule of law as protected by Hong Kong's Basic Law.'

China is 'threat to world' says dissident writer