

Haptopraxeologie/Haptopraxeology IV - '..capital theory .. production..' '..In an Electric Universe..' '..thymotactiele..'

Posted by ProjectC 
'..capital theory .. production..'

<blockquote>'One of the major differences between the Austrian school and other economic schools is in capital theory. In particular, Austrians hold that the economy has a complex production structure consisting of many stages. This capital structure needs to be funded by real savings and is coordinated by interest rates.'

- Acting Man, The Production Structure, September 6th, 2011</blockquote>

'..In an Electric Universe..'

<blockquote>'It is a principle of science that one should begin with the simple and then continue to the more complex if the situation warrants that step. 2 + 2 = 4 does not require algebraic equations to solve it. If the foundational precepts of Electric Universe theory, based on well-established, Nobel-vetted work by dedicated researchers in the physics of high-energy plasma provides concise, laboratory replicated answers to the puzzle of supernovae, then this writer submits that that is the most logical place to begin an exploration.


Contrasting the Electric Universe perspective with that of consensus science can be instructive. In the first sense there is simplicity, experimental evidence, mathematical illustration backed by laboratory analysis: explanations that can be communicated easily to almost any audience. In the second, arcane mathematical reifications are placed onto a stage created out of computer models: characters acting out scripted roles. Neutron stars can never be experimentally verified.'

- Stephen Smith, Andromeda's Mother, Aug 25, 2011

'A little known fact: Popular ideas about the Sun have not fared well under the tests of a scientific theory. The formulators of the standard Sun model worked with gravity, gas laws, and nuclear fusion. But closer observation of the Sun has shown that electrical and magnetic properties dominate solar behavior.


In the electrical model, the Sun is the “anode” or positively charged body in the electrical exchange, while the "cathode" or negatively charged contributor is not a discrete object, but the invisible “virtual cathode” at the limit of the Sun’s coronal discharge. (Coronal discharges can sometimes be seen as a glow surrounding high-voltage transmission wires, where the wire discharges into the surrounding air). This virtual cathode lies far beyond the planets. In the lexicon of astronomy, this is the “heliopause.” In electrical terms, it is the cellular sheath or “double layer” separating the plasma cell that surrounds the Sun ("heliosphere”) from the enveloping galactic plasma.'

- The Electric Glow of the Sun, Apr 27, 2005

'In a plasma cosmogony hypothesis, the stars are formed when cosmic Birkeland currents twist around one another, creating z-pinch regions that compress the plasma into a solid. Laboratory experiments have shown that such compression zones are the most likely candidates for star formation and not collapsing nebulae. When stars are born, they are probably under extreme electrical stress. In that case, they will split into two or more daughter stars, thereby equalizing their electrical potential.'

- Stephen Smith, Snow White and the Frozen Dwarfs, Aug 26, 2011

'In an Electric Universe, plasma discharge behavior is a better model for solar activity. Laboratory experiments with a positively charged sphere show that a plasma torus forms above its equator. Electric discharges bridge the torus with the middle and lower latitudes of the sphere. Spicules are consistent with the principle of "anode tufting," a plasma discharge effect expected of a positively charged electric Sun.

Closeup images of sunspot filaments, seen clearly in sunspot penumbrae, indicate that they are whirling charge vortices. Looking down into a sunspot means seeing the rotating discharge columns in profile. Electric discharges in plasma form rope-like, hollow tendrils. Since they are funnels of plasma, their centers are darker, where convection cells would appear darker at their edges.


<blockquote>"It is not coincidence that the photosphere has the appearance, the temperature and spectrum of an electric arc; it has arc characteristics because it is an electric arc, or a large number of arcs in parallel. These arcs quickly result in the neutralization of the accumulated space charge in their neighbourhood and go out. They are not therefore stable discharges, but may rather be looked upon as transient sparks. Arcs thus continually appear and disappear. It is this coming and going which accounts for the observed granulation of the solar surface." (A New Approach in Astrophysics and Cosmogony by C. E. R. Bruce 1944)</blockquote>


Powerful looping electric currents generate secondary toroidal magnetic fields that surround the loop. When the current grows too strong, the plasma double layer is destroyed. That event interrupts the current flow and the stored electromagnetic energy is blasted into space as a solar flare. Solar flares can therefore be thought of as tremendous lightning bursts, discharging vast quantities of matter at near relativistic speeds.'

- Stephen Smith, Solar Lightning, Mar 04, 2011

'Electric Universe advocates propose that the entire quantum mechanical universe requires a new viewpoint. Since it is the electric force that governs the cosmos, the behavior, origin, and structure of matter needs to be revised. One of the most interesting aspects of this premise is the clues that exist within quantum mechanics, itself.

Plasma's electrical and physical properties are scalable over many orders of magnitude. Laboratory experiments can model what is observed in space. Gravity's force falls off with the square of the distance, while the attraction between electrified plasma filaments is linear and up to 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Looking at the four hypothetical quantum forces, it can be seen that the strong force is also 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Perhaps that relationship is better explained with the electric force.

Virtual models operating within computer algorithms have replaced direct observation in recent years: the natural philosophy of science has been abandoned. Computer models are used to build other models, which, in turn, are used to "confirm" further models. Physics used to mean investigating the nature and properties of matter and energy. Instead, it has become the handmaiden to mathematics.'

- Stephen Smith, IndisCERNible, Sep 05, 2011

'Nobel prize winner Hannes Alfvén described a double layer as, "... a plasma formation by which a plasma—in the physical meaning of this word—protects itself from the environment. It is analogous to a cell wall by which a plasma—in the biological meaning of this word—protects itself from the environment."

In an Electric Universe, there is another mechanism for cosmic ray acceleration and that is the "exploding" double layer, first described by Irving Langmuir in 1929. A double layer forms in plasma when electric current flows through it.

At times, a double layer might interrupt current flow in the circuit, causing a catastrophic rise in voltage across it. The powerful energy release of the exploding double layer is sometimes observed in power transmission switchyards when a circuit breaker is opened incorrectly.'

- Stephen Smith, Cosmic Accelerator, Aug 30, 2011

'Electric Universe theory considers galaxies to be the progeny of electromagnetic coupling. Birkeland current filaments conduct electricity across cosmic distances, twining around one another until they crush plasma into discrete formations. A typical barred spiral galaxy is created in two or more twists of those intergalactic filaments.'

- Stephen Smith, Galactic Hexagon, Aug 31, 2011

'Plasma's electrical and physical properties are scalable over many orders of magnitude. Laboratory experiments can model what is observed in space. Gravity's force falls off with the square of the distance, while the attraction between electrified plasma filaments is linear and up to 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Looking at the four hypothetical quantum forces, it can be seen that the strong force is also 39 orders of magnitude greater than gravity. Perhaps that relationship is better explained with the electric force.'

- Stephen Smith, IndisCERNible, Sep 05, 2011</blockquote>

'..een [thymotactiele] benadering. Deze benadering gaat de objectiverende en beperkte aspecten van de “aanraking” fundamenteel en ver te boven..'

<blockquote>'De oplettende lezer(es) zal zeker hebben opgemerkt dat ik consequent de termen tact en gevoel of gewaarwording heb gebruikt, en de term tastzin heb vermeden. De laatste term is namelijk misleidend, hij geeft de indruk dat deze functie slechts één zintuig betreft.

Ook het woord “aanraking” heeft een specifieke betekenissen verworden waardoor het weinig van doen heeft met het haptonomische tactiele contact, waarbij sprake is van een [<i>thymotactiele</i>] benadering. Deze benadering gaat de objectiverende en beperkte aspecten van de “aanraking” fundamenteel en ver te boven. Daarom is het van belang beide termen, tast en aanraking, in de haptonomie te vermijden!'

– Frans Veldman, Levenslust en Levenskunst (eerste druk, 2007), blz. 46</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Dutch) Haptopraxeologie: Bazaarmodel - Oostenrijkse School, Haptonomie, Plasma Kosmologie May 29, 2011

(Haptopraxeology) - '..Alfvén’s predictions .. cannot be ignored..' - '..the faculties necessary to perceive it.' June 19, 2011

(Dutch/English) Haptopraxeologie II - '..instituties, zoals de pure goudstandaard, privaat eigendomsrecht, en het gezin..' July 19, 2011

'The real world is constantly changing, while mathematical models..' - Mish

'..the sun’s intermediate position on a cosmic power cable no longer sound outrageous..' - Rens Van Der Sluijs