

'..the sun’s intermediate position on a cosmic power cable no longer sound outrageous..' - Rens Van Der Sluijs

Posted by ProjectC 
'..a universe alive with untold plasma wires stretching across vast distances..'

<blockquote>'..the Graeco-Roman thought experiments regarding the sun’s intermediate position on a cosmic power cable no longer sound outrageous on a paradigm that already envisions a universe alive with untold plasma wires stretching across vast distances. Lacking the requisite equipment used today – as if they themselves somehow received direct illumination from the interstellar circuit – these classical savants hit upon concepts eerily similar to the ones formulated in modern plasma cosmology on an independent and empirical basis. Should Herschel’s suspicion be confirmed one day, these prescient minds therefore rate a mention in the roll call of pioneers.'

- Rens Van Der Sluijs, Light My Fire, Feb 21, 2010</blockquote>

'..Since lightning as well as the sun consist of visible plasma..'

<blockquote>'..Plasmas shift from a ‘dark mode’, invisible to the human eye, to a ‘glow mode’ and then to an ultra-bright ‘arc mode’ under increasing electrical strain. Since lightning as well as the sun consist of visible plasma, it is understandable that prehistoric eye-witnesses of an aurora-like illumination of the earth’s magnetosphere, in their effors to capture the experience in words..'

- The Sunbeam of Yore, Feb 25, 2011</blockquote>

'The scalable nature of plasma's electrical and physical properties is critical when it comes to investigating the cosmos. In the laboratory, effects that model those in space can be created.'

<blockquote>'Contrasting the Electric Universe perspective with that of consensus science can be instructive. In the first sense there is simplicity, experimental evidence, mathematical illustration backed by laboratory analysis: explanations that can be communicated easily to almost any audience. In the second, arcane mathematical reifications are placed onto a stage created out of computer models: characters acting out scripted roles. Neutron stars can never be experimentally verified.

The scalable nature of plasma's electrical and physical properties is critical when it comes to investigating the cosmos. In the laboratory, effects that model those in space can be created. Gravity's effects are not scalable in the laboratory. Gravitational force falls off with the square of the distance, where the attraction between electrified filaments is linear and is up to 39 orders of magnitude greater. Gravity is too weak to model.

Virtual models operating within computer algorithms have replaced direct observation in many ways. Models are used to support the existence of yet more models. Models are used to build other models, which, in turn, are used to "confirm" further models. Physics used to mean investigating the nature and properties of matter and energy. Instead, astrophysics has become an apprentice to mathematics.'

- Stephen Smith, Andromeda's Mother, Mar 02, 2011</blockquote>