

Global Issues - Learning & Global financial architecture --- Martin Hutchinson

Posted by ProjectC 
2Grid shall focus on two global pillars during the 2007 - 2012 period.

1. Learning for All (Personal learning with a computer tutor)

2. A new Global Financial Architecture (Precious metals, Paper money + old fashioned accounting)

One step at a time.


"A further restructuring will have to take place in education. It is already counterproductive to concentrate education at the beginning of the working life; over a couple of decades skills rust and, more important, become obsolete. This is particularly the case in fast moving technological sectors such as IT and biotech, where a degree that is 20 years old is almost worthless. The obsolescence factor will become much more severe when careers stretch half a century. A 65 year old executive who still has all the mental acuity and energy to perform well at the top level will be unable to do so if his technical and even business education is 40 years in the past."
-- Martin Hutchinson, The Fifty Year Career, October 1, 2007

"A new monetary system will be demanded in the next few years, after the excessive inflation and moral hazard of the present system have caused the inevitable major crash. At that point, a bimetallic quasi-Gold Standard should be the alternative to work for against the statist and inflationary nostrums that will doubtless be proposed."
-- Martin Hutchinson, The Gotterdammerung of Central Banking, September 24, 2007