<blockquote>'..a .. call to all of us to get back to our spiritual core and to really support each other and really bring much more love and compassion into this world.'
- Dr. Eben Alexander (
Source, December 18, 2012)</blockquote>
'..a new view of mind and body will emerge, and in fact is emerging already. This view is scientific and spiritual in equal measure and will value what the greatest scientists of history themselves always valued above all: truth.
This new picture of reality will take a long time to put together. It won’t be finished in my time, or even, I suspect, my sons’ either. In fact, reality is too vast, too complex, and too irreducibly mysterious for a full picture of it ever to be absolutely complete..'<blockquote>'Today many believe that the living spiritual truths of religion have lost their power, and that science, not faith, is the road to truth. Before my experience I strongly suspected that this was the case myself.
But I now understand that such a view is far too simple. The plain fact is that the materialist picture of the body and brain as the producers, rather than the vehicles, of human consciousness is doomed. In its place a new view of mind and body will emerge, and in fact is emerging already. This view is scientific and spiritual in equal measure and will value what the greatest scientists of history themselves always valued above all: truth.
This new picture of reality will take a long time to put together. It won’t be finished in my time, or even, I suspect, my sons’ either. In fact, reality is too vast, too complex, and too irreducibly mysterious for a full picture of it ever to be absolutely complete. But in essence, it will show the universe as evolving, multi-dimensional, and known down to its every last atom by a God who cares for us even more deeply and fiercely than any parent ever loved their child.
I’m still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as much as I was before I had my experience. But on a deep level I’m very different from the person I was before, because I’ve caught a glimpse of this emerging picture of reality. And you can believe me when I tell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and those who come after us, to get it right.'
- Dr. Eben Alexander (
Source, October 8, 2012)</blockquote>
Context '..starting with a belief in possibility..'<blockquote>
'..the phenomenon of consciousness..' - '..thought, feeling, valuation, and purposeful action..'(MIX) To Mend the Soul - '..a higher purpose..' - '..to "change the game rules on Earth." ''..the message is one of love and a compassion..'(The Monroe Institute) - 'Mission for Humanity' - Dr. Eben Alexander
Why Bad Science Is Like Bad Religion - Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
'..tell your boss you think the company has a love deficit.' - Dr. Gary Hamel</blockquote>