

(Mind-Body Medicine) - '..the health of our minds and the health of our bodies are inextricably connected to the transformation of the spirit.'

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'..It is impermissible to separate the "mental" or "spiritual" from the "material." '

- Murray N. Rothbard ((Bazaarmodel) - «esprit incarné» - '..It is impermissible to separate the "mental" or "spiritual" from the "material." ')</blockquote>

'..that we understand—experientially as well as scientifically—that the health of our minds and the health of our bodies are inextricably connected to the transformation of the spirit.'

<blockquote>'James Gordon, Director and Founder, Center for Mind-Body Medicine, has conducted mind-body skills trainings for patients and health care practitioners around the world. Gordon has said, “Mind-body medicine requires that we ground information about the science of mind-body approaches in practical, personal experience; that we appreciate the centrality of meditation to these practices; and that we understand—experientially as well as scientifically—that the health of our minds and the health of our bodies are inextricably connected to the transformation of the spirit.”

- The Connection Between Mind And Body</blockquote>

<blockquote>Mind-Body Medicine focuses on the interactions between mind and body and the powerful ways in which emotional, mental, social and spiritual factors can directly affect health.

- What is mind-body medicine?</blockquote>

Context 'Mission for Humanity' - Healing Self and Others - The Least, the Last and the Lost

<blockquote>(The Emerging Science of Consciousness) - The Science of the Mind Body connection

'..“consciousness in action,”..'

((Hapto)praxeology) - '..theorem is derived ultimately from the postulate of human action..' - Dr. Fabio Barbieri

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Energiewende - '..a thriving, decentralized system generating power from renewable sources all over the country.'

'..the foundation of success -- things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule..'

'..an assurance of safety and a temper of peace, and, in relation to others, a preponderance of loving affection.'

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'We need to change the culture .. Truth is an authenticity, not pretending, being honest .. the natural beauty of the world.' - Dr. Mae-Wan Ho