

(The Electric Universe) - '..[astronomers lack] familiarity with electrical phenomena in plasma..'

Posted by ProjectC 
<Blockquote>'..[astronomers lack] familiarity with electrical phenomena in plasma..'

- Donald Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents, Part 1 | EU Workshop, 2015

'..the relationship between Birkeland Currents and counter-rotating shells, to show how they form such polar phenomena as Earth’s cylindrical auroral sheets and Saturn’s north polar “hurricane.” '

- Donald Scott: Modeling Birkeland Currents, Part 2 | EU Workshop, 2015

'..the electric force in its dynamic role from microcosm to macrocosm.'

- Wal Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop, 2015

'The Electric Universe model grew from the realization that a new plasma cosmology and an understanding of electrical phenomena in space could illuminate the new work being done in comparative mythology..'

- Wal Thornhill, The Electric Universe</blockquote>


<blockquote>(The Electric Universe) - '..LPPFusion .. one of the leading companies in alternative fusion.' - Plans for 2015

Focus Fusion - Oxford University Scientific Society (May 15, 2014)

Focus Fusion - From the old Hydro-Carbon world to the new clean Hydro-Boron one.

Scientists achieve reliable quantum teleportation for first time, May 29, 2014</blockquote>