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'Given the gravity of the situation, sanctions should be, at the very least, as harsh as those placed on Iran. This should include removing Russia from SWIFT, the global payments network. The fact that this has not already happened – primarily due to Italy, Germany, Hungary and Cyprus – has left Ukrainians gobsmacked.
A now-or-never moment
The world has now entered a new, and per
Project C 'Most importantly, this is a critique which appears to appeal to a wide strand of the middle-rankers within the military and security apparatus: captains, majors, even some colonels, the career officers who do not live the truly pampered lives of the top brass..'
'Russia continues to remind itself as well as the outside world that it is neither as repressed nor as monolithic as
Project C '..Fed officials are largely responsible for the cycles of bubbles, booms, and busts over the last 30 years..'
'“In many important ways, the financial crash of 2008 had never ended. It was a long crash that crippled the economy for years. The problems that caused it went almost entirely unsolved. And this financial crash was compounded by a long crash in the strength of America’
Project C The Russian general opposed the war with Ukraine and called on Putin to resign.
Retired Russian Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov declaimed against Russia's war with Ukraine. The officer, known for his pro-Soviet and patriotic views, made his statement as the Chairman of the All-Russian Officers' Meeting.
He assessed the risks and consequences of a military invasion, blamed the escal
Project C 'In his letter, Ivashov argues that Ukraine has a right to self-defence as an independent nation, and the international backlash to the annexation of Crimea ‘convincingly shows the failure of Russian foreign policy’.
He continued: ‘Attempts to “love” the Russian Federation and its leadership through an ultimatum and threats of the use of force are senseless and extremely dangerous.
Project C '..the Director-General said Geneva representatives should seek to prepare clean texts, or at most texts with one outstanding issue to be resolved, for ministers. This would permit them to finalize or bless an outcome even if they have to do so remotely.'
'World Trade Organization Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala urged delegation heads to redouble their efforts to bridge dif
Project C 'Our nation (and the world) was profoundly scarred by the Great Depression experience. At the time, it was recognized that years of Bubble excess had fostered deep economic structural maladjustment. The Credit system had degenerated into a mechanism promoting epic asset inflation, mal-investment and chicanery. The securities markets devolved into a bastion of speculation, with destructive en
Project C 'Some of the text of the statement, including the pledges to work toward a world free of nuclear weapons, echoes a statement issued by the five nations after a December conference in Paris that laid the groundwork for the since delayed review of the treaty.
And the statement that a nuclear war cannot be won was identical to language that the US and Russian Presidents, Joe Biden and Vladim
Project C DESMOND TUTU (1931-2021)
- The Elders are deeply saddened at the death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a global icon of freedom and a beloved friend.
'The Elders are deeply saddened at the passing of their dear friend and colleague Archbishop Desmond Tutu. His death follows a long and brave battle against ill health, which never dimmed his determination to fight against injustice in al
Project C 'Hundreds of thousands Uyghur children have been taken from their families and placed in Han-ran boarding schools, burial grounds have been bulldozed or built over, mosques destroyed, and religious practice banned, it adds.
Nice said the tribunal would have been unnecessary if an international court had been asked by fearful governments to investigate the allegations, adding there was an
Project C 'Having more nonlethal weapons would enable the U.S. military to take effective action against adversaries without starting a war, damaging important infrastructure, or firing on civilians who may be impeding or harassing U.S. forces, he said.'
'COLUMBUS, Ga. — Enhancing “lethality” has become a buzzword at the Pentagon and a mantra among force modernizers as the U.S. military g
Project C ' goes on to highlight how the Minuteman I ICBM program met or exceeded all its expectations and objectives, delivering 800 three stage solid fuel rocket ICBMs, silos to put them in, and a very elaborate command and control architecture in just five years at a cost of $17B in today's dollars—and none of it had been done before. Now, even with all we have learned over more than half a ce
Project C '..the vital necessity of holding powerholders and their friends in business to account through an independent judiciary, a free press, and a vigorous civil society.
..when Xi Jinping came to power. He presented himself as the strong man who would stand up for the Leninist version of Marxism, and approved the internal 2013 Party directive known as “Document 9,” which condemned the c
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC.'
- Cai Xia
'As a leading Chi
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC.'
- Cai Xia
'As a leading Chi
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC.'
- Cai Xia
'As a leading Chi
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC. (p. 27)'
- Cai Xia
'As a lea
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC. (p. 27)'
- Cai Xia
'As a lea
Project C 'Is China under the CCP’s rule an authoritarian or a totalitarian regime? So far, this issue has not been clearly understood by either party in the US..
It is important to remember that the People’s Liberation Army is a “party-army”, responsible solely to the CCP as the ruling party and not the nation, state, or government of the PRC. (p. 27)'
- Cai Xia
'As a lea
Project C 'Holacracy provided Zappos with a tool to break free of traditional organization and introduced a shared vocabulary to help people understand what it means to be self-organized and self-managed.
However, employees at the company said pure Holacracy started to create some challenges on its own. "Our circles were still arranged hierarchically, where budgeting or headcount was allocated
Project C 'Scott Pelley: To quote from another one of the documents you brought out, "We have evidence from a variety of sources that hate speech, divisive political speech and misinformation on Facebook and the family of apps are affecting societies around the world."
Frances Haugen: When we live in an information environment that is full of angry, hateful, polarizing content it erodes o
Project C 'With 40% of the global population living within 100 kilometres of the coast and 600 million people (10% of the world’s population) living in coastal areas less than 10 metres above sea level, just imagine the accrued benefits of extending and scaling these finance products and projects.'
'A healthy ocean plays a vital role in combating climate change. It is the planet’s largest
Project C 'Until recently, tracking the location and magnitude of methane leaks was difficult. Now, infrared cameras and advanced satellites can estimate methane emissions around the globe, giving scientists and regulators insight into what's being released from facilities.'
'According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the concentration of methane in the atmosphere
Project C ' "We still cling with parts of our minds to the infantile belief that the world was made for our gratification and pleasure," said. "And we combine this narcissism with an assumption of our own immortality." .. "We need all countries, every single one of you, to step up the commitment to very substantial reductions by 2030." '
'(CNN) - Humanity n
Project C 'In 2019, more than 90 per cent of the global population lived in areas where concentrations exceeded the 2005 WHO air quality guideline for long term exposure to PM2.5'
'Low levels of air pollution are more dangerous than previously thought, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced yesterday.
In its first global update since 2005, WHO adjusted almost all of its Global A
Project C Everyone in the US needs to read a report “The evolution of the Canadian pension model; practical lessons for building world-class pension organizations” to understand how they can improve the governance at all their public pensions.
'Let me be blunt: Chicago's police pension is on life-support and they're about to stop the ventilator.
Importantly, when a pension plan's
Project C 'Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the destruction of the natural world, a state of affairs health professionals have been bringing attention to for decades. The science is unequivocal; a global increase of 1·5°C above the pre-industrial average and the continued loss of biodiversity risk catastrophic harm to health that will be impossible to reverse. Despite
Project C 'President Hamid Karzai won reelection after cronies stuffed thousands of ballot boxes. He later admitted the CIA had delivered bags of cash to his office for years, calling it “nothing unusual.”
In public, as President Barack Obama escalated the war and Congress approved billions of additional dollars in support, the commander in chief and lawmakers promised to crack down on corrupti
Project C 'China’s ascendancy on the world stage mirrors the trajectory of its Credit expansion. The “Nine Dash Line” and militarization of the South China Sea. The Belt and Road initiative. Their uncompromising approach to U.S. trade negotiations. The Hong Kong crackdown. Playing hardball with Australia and others. Military drills off the coast of Taiwan. Negotiations with the Taliban. Partnered with
Project C '..there is new hope that deep cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases could stabilise rising temperatures.
While this report is more clear and confident about the downsides to warming, the scientists are more hopeful that if we can cut global emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by the middle of this century, we can halt and possibly reverse the rise in temperatures.'
Project C