'Though few leaders have criticized Trump by name in the wake of the unrest, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said last week that "we are all very concerned about the authoritarian debate and those authoritarian ways that we are seeing as a response to some demonstrations." ' 'Former Republican Secretary of State Colin Powell said Sunday that President Donald Trumby ProjectC - Project C
'James Madison wrote in Federalist 14 that “America united with a handful of troops, or without a single soldier, exhibits a more forbidding posture to foreign ambition than America disunited, with a hundred thousand veterans ready for combat.” We do not need to militarize our response to protests. We need to unite around a common purpose. And it starts by guaranteeing that all of us are equby ProjectC - Project C
'Thread on how China kept WHO in the dark. It’s starting to emerge what really happened in Jan, via AP investigation. Chinese officials failed to share the virus genome for >1week after decoding it and failed to reveal microbe had H2H for a further 2 weeks.' - Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, (Source, June 2, 2020) Context The Pandemic Isn’t a Black Swan but a Portent of a Moreby ProjectC - Project C
Back In Black Context BBC, Nasa astronauts make history with SpaceX launch, May 30, 2020 (Earth Shield - Earth Defence) - '..planetary defense budget .. dealing with hazardous asteroids.' (Earth Shield - Earth Defence)(Starlink network) - 'The SpaceX company has begun the roll-out of its orbiting broadband system.' (2020 - 2050 - Becoming a spacefaring civby ProjectC - Project C
'The high-altitude border has been aggressively contested and heavily militarised since 1962 when China launched an offensive into Indian territory, sparking a short but bloody war. .. On Tuesday India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, held a meeting with his national security adviser, Ajit Doval, plus his chief of defence staff and three security chiefs to discuss “bolstering India’s mby ProjectC - Project C
'In order to win this competition with China there are three things that America must do: First, build the next ten trillion in US GDP. Second, build an Alliance-based trading system. Third, prepare for economic and technological containment of Communist China.' - Rewinding the Tape, May 23, 2020 Context 'Henry Kissinger warned several months ago that he sees the U.S.by ProjectC - Project C
' “Bubble” is commonly understood to describe a divergence between overvalued market prices and underlying asset values. And while price anomalies are a typical consequence, they are generally not among the critical aspects of Bubbles. I’ll start with my basic definition: A Bubble is a self-reinforcing but inevitably unsustainable inflation. Bubbles, at their core, are fueled by Credit –by ProjectC - Project C
'We have the opportunity to see what would our cities look like when we are designing for people, not cars.' – Samu Balogh 'It is with this in mind that Milan announced its plan to make changes in the wake of the pandemic that support alternatives to driving. “In order to prevent an excessive use of private cars, with the consequent increase in air pollution, the city of Miby ProjectC - Project C
'Richard Ebeling has an essay on Mises the policy economist that is an invaluable resource to start with. It is not Mises the theorist and not Mises the philosopher, but Mises trying to take that theoretical perspective and apply in a way consistent ultimately with his liberal philosophy to address the pressing issues of a demented time. We must, I would argue, do a similar thing in our tiby ProjectC - Project C
'Negative nominal bond yields are a 4,000-year first, according to Sidney Homer’s “A History of Interest Rates,” republished for a fourth edition with co-author Richard Sylla in 2005. Topsy-turvy investment-grade bond markets aren’t without precedent, but the extent of the upheaval today is startling. If adversity is the test of the quality of a senior security, as old-time doctrine held, seby ProjectC - Project C
'(CNN) - Former President Barack Obama delivered a blistering critique of the Trump administration's response to the coronavirus crisis, describing it as "an absolute chaotic disaster" during a private call Friday night with people who worked for him in the White House and across his administration. The searing comments, confirmed to CNN by three former Obama administrationby ProjectC - Project C
'..the ECB is going far beyond what Bagehot asked the central bank to do in times of panic..' - Otmar Issing (Context: '..present violation of law..' - Otmar Issing) 'Issing argues that, if countries had followed the EU fiscal rules and built up fiscal surpluses in good times, they would not be in the position to needed a bail-out now. It is not the role of theby ProjectC - Project C
'The German court said the EU judges’ December 2018 ruling that QE was in line with EU rules was “objectively arbitrary” and is “methodologically no longer justifiable.” It gave the ECB a three-month ultimatum to fix flaws in the measure.' 'Germany’s highest court rebukes ECJ in ruling on QE program In a long-awaited ruling on the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing pby ProjectC - Project C
'This so-called false-dawn phenomenon is puzzling health experts as they try to come to grips with the mysterious pathogen that emerged only five months ago.' 'It had been over a month since Mirabai Nicholson-McKellar was infected with the coronavirus, and the 35-year-old filmmaker thought she was on her way to recovery. Then the shortness of breath came back, followed by chestby ProjectC - Project C
'The Department of Defense has authorized the release of three unclassified Navy videos, one taken in November 2004 and the other two in January 2015, which have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017. The U.S. Navy previously acknowledged that these videos circulating in the public domain were indeed Navy videos. After a thorough review, the deby ProjectC - Project C
'We should discourage the concentration of power in big corporations, “including a severe restriction of lobbying,” Taleb told me. “When one per cent of the people have fifty per cent of the income, that is a fat tail.” Companies shouldn’t be able to make money from monopoly power, “from rent-seeking”—using that power not to build something but to extract an ever-larger part of the surplus.by ProjectC - Project C
'"We now have the skills and expertise to be able to restore vital marine habitats such as oyster reefs, mangrove swamps and salt marshes - which keep our seas clean, our coasts protected and provide food to support entire ecosystems," said co-author Prof Callum Roberts from the University of York, UK. "Science gives us reason to be optimistic about the future of our oceansby ProjectC - Project C
'Amid a global transport industry crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, a study from clean energy nonprofit Transport and Environment has added strength to the argument that EVs emit far less CO2 than internal combustion engine vehicles do over their lifetimes. The UK nonprofit said in its report that it had taken into account all relevant factors, including the carbon dioxideby ProjectC - Project C
'Chinese authorities deceived the public, suppressed crucial information, arrested whistleblowers, denied human-to-human transmission in the face of mounting evidence, destroyed critical medical research, permitted millions of people to be exposed to the virus, and even hoarded personal protective equipment—thus causing a global pandemic that was unnecessary and preventable.' (CNN) -by ProjectC - Project C
'..This ‘centralisation’ ethos of the Chinese Communist Party, was encapsulated in Xi’s recent statement that: “Government, military, civilian, and academic, east, west, south, north, and centre, the Party leads everything.” ' - Simon Watkins (Source, April 20, 2020) 'Wu Hongbo, former undersecretary general for the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs, said thby ProjectC - Project C
'A US study suggests Covid-19 death rates rise by about 15% in areas with even a small increase in fine-particle pollution levels in the years before the pandemic. "Patterns in Covid-19 death rates generally mimic patterns in both high population density and high PM2.5 exposure areas," the Harvard University report says. These particles, one-30th the diameter of a human hairby ProjectC - Project C
'..Germany is allowing smaller stores, car dealerships, bike shops and book stores to reopen on Monday, and schools will begin readmitting some students in early May in the first few steps to normalcy. In Spain by contrast, a lockdown that’s been in place since mid-March could be extended well into May, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said, and Italy won’t do any significant easing before May 4by ProjectC - Project C
'Such sentiments strike a chord across northern Europe, and not only with fellow euro members Austria and the Netherlands. In Switzerland, the visibly upbeat finance minister last month unveiled a 20 billion-franc ($20.4 billion) stimulus package with the preamble that, because the country had paid down debt for years, it could now afford to spend. .. For German officials however, anby ProjectC - Project C
'Particularly important in Taiwan’s approach are transparency and open information. Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center, established after SARS, releases information in daily briefings. This starkly contrasts with China’s initial cover-ups of the outbreak and its continued suppression of independent reporting. Taiwan’s experience rebuts the misleading narrative that only countries withby ProjectC - Project C
'As part of this short review, it can be safely argued that regions of the world that have a significant problem with air pollution in the form of particulate matter, and in particular PM2.5, have very strong correlation to areas gravely affected by the virus crown pandemic. This pollution, acting systematically, has significantly deteriorated the properties of our respiratory and circulatorby ProjectC - Project C
'For Fisher, fractional reserve banking is “a very risky affair,” and “It is obvious that such a top-heavy system is dangerous.” .. the 100% plan is “incomparably the best proposal ever offered for speedily and permanently solving the problem of depressions.” ' - (Banking Reform) - '..For Saravia de la Calle, those who engage in fractional reserve banking commit a mortal sin..by ProjectC - Project C
'China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials. The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But thby ProjectC - Project C
'The current coronavirus outbreak is the biggest challenge for the world since World War Two, UN Secretary General António Guterres has warned. He said it could bring a recession "that probably has no parallel in the recent past". His warning comes amid dire predictions about the possible economic impact of measures imposed to fight the virus. The number of confirmed casesby ProjectC - Project C
'Amid the confusion, day-to-day management of the crisis has frequently come directly from Trump himself via his Twitter feed. The president, with more than half an eye on the New York stock exchange, has consistently talked down the scale of the crisis.' <h3>The missing six weeks: how Trump failed the biggest test of his life</h3> By Tom McCarthy March 28, 2020 Sourby ProjectC - Project C
'..you've got to be realistic, and you've got to understand that you don't make the timeline, the virus makes the timeline. So, you've got to respond in what you see happen.' - Dr. Fauci (Source, March 26, 2020) Context (SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19))(Second wave: in the fall of 2020?)(Will the virus have mutated?) - 'Be prepared for another cycle' - Dby ProjectC - Project C