

(Transmedium - Novel living systems) - 'NASA .. investigating unexplained anomalous phenomena .. stigma .. and harassment .. hindering its work.'

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' “Harassment only leads to further stigmatization of the UAP field, significantly hindering the scientific progress and discouraging others to study this important subject matter,” Nasa’s science chief, Nicola Fox, said in a public meeting on 31 May.'

'The publication of Grusch and Grey’s claims comes after a panel that the US space agency Nasa charged with investigating unexplained anomalous phenomena said stigma around reporting encounters – and harassment of those who do report encounters – was hindering its work.

The navy pilots who in 2021 shared their experiences of encountering unexplained objects while conducting military flights said they, and others, had decided against reporting the encounters internally, because of fears it could hinder their careers.

“Harassment only leads to further stigmatization of the UAP field, significantly hindering the scientific progress and discouraging others to study this important subject matter,” Nasa’s science chief, Nicola Fox, said in a public meeting on 31 May.'

- US urged to reveal UFO evidence after claim that it has intact alien vehicles, June 6, 2023


NASA panel studying UFO sightings says stigma and poor data pose challenges, May 31, 2023

(Project C)(Transmedium vehicles) - 'Und ich düse düse düse düse im Sauseschritt .. Und bring die Liebe mit'

Estimate: October, 2025 – Safire Plasma (beyond fusion) Reactors commercially available – Abundance

'We make novel living systems (such as Xenobots), and use them as a model to understand the origin of the targeting information: how do collectives of cells, implementing a target morphology (setpoint for anatomical homeostasis) know what to make? Where do these morphogenetic specs come from? Using these synthetic living constructs, we attempt to understand how evolution builds problem-solving machines that exploit a number of "free lunch" affordances from physics, computation, etc. to produce adaptive solutions to novel environmental challenges (creative exploration of the morphospace that does not require multuiple generations of selection).'

- Dynamics of Information Processing in Biological Structures