(Global Stagflation) - ..A sticky inflation situation
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'The Atlanta Fed compiles an index of core sticky consumer prices - goods or services for which the cost changes far more slowly. In June, the index showed a rise of 5.6%. This was up from last June's 5.4% rate..'
..A sticky inflation situation
, August 10, 2023
(Banking Reform - English/Dutch) '..a truly stable financial and monetary system for the twenty-first century..'
[Thomas Hoenig] has a Dire Warning About Where We’re Headed - '..Household Expense Data .. for 80 Years'
'..the deleterious effects of high debt levels..'
The war against inflation is a long way away from being won - Euro-Area Core Inflation Quickened..
'Once again, the Federal Reserve has underestimated inflation..' (Summers) - '..we risk inflation getting entrenched.' (IMF)
(Global Stagflation)(QE Was a Colossal Policy Mistake) - '..wage earners have to get a 14.8 per cent wage increase just to hold even with this kind of inflation..'
(Global Stagflation) - '..inflation tends toward a cycle of unpredictability and destabilizing volatility that can extend for years and even decades.'
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