

'..Ukraine and the West must understand what Putin is doing and call it by its rightful names: invasion, Anschluss, provocation, intimidation, and panic-sowing..'

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'..Ukraine and the West must understand what Putin is doing and call it by its rightful names: invasion, Anschluss, provocation, intimidation, and panic-sowing .. non-recognition policy about the Soviet occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania took 50 years to achieve its goal .. it is long past time to be talking about whether NATO countries should be supplying Ukraine with weapons. They should have been sent at the time of the first Putin moves against Ukraine .. If that message isn't delivered now, Putin will repeat his strategy not only in Ukraine but elsewhere as well.'

<blockquote>'First, Ukraine and the West must understand what Putin is doing and call it by its rightful names: invasion, Anschluss, provocation, intimidation, and panic-sowing. And both must understand that this is part of a single policy rather than a set of alternatives as some in both Kyiv and the West appear to want to believe.

Second, the West must declare formally a non-recognition policy relative to Crimea and the southeastern portions of Ukraine where Moscow forces are currently operating. Western governments must say clearly that they will never recognize as legitimate the Russian occupation and annexation and that they will never recognize the government that does those things as legitimate either.

That won’t reverse Putin’s crimes immediately, just as the US-led non-recognition policy about the Soviet occupation of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania took 50 years to achieve its goal; but it will serve notice to Russia and the world that the results of Putin’s actions will be reversed eventually.

And third, it is long past time to be talking about whether NATO countries should be supplying Ukraine with weapons. They should have been sent at the time of the first Putin moves against Ukraine, and the flow of such weapons and related assistance should have been stepped up with each new Putin action.

In short, the time has come for the West to extend NATO membership to Ukraine, a country that has made the choice to be part of the West and that the West now acknowledges that reality. That alone will not solve the current crisis, but it will disrupt Putin’s strategy and cause both him and his supporters to realize that his approach won’t be tolerated any longer.

If that message isn't delivered now, Putin will repeat his strategy not only in Ukraine but elsewhere as well.'

- Putin’s Strategy in Ukraine – Sow Panic, Provoke, Invade and Then Repeat the Process, November 3, 2014</blockquote>


<blockquote>Ukraine's Last Chance - 'As bureaucrats keep stealing and politicians keep stalling, the specter of financial collapse hovers closer..'

(Ukraine) - 'We needed 40 years to overcome East Germany .. be prepared for the long haul..' - Angela Merkel

US & EU versus Russia - '..hybrid warfare..' - '..to exit “the unified energy system of Russia” by 2020.'

'If Russia is to move forward, Pivovarov says, “we must cease to be Soviet people and overcome the Soviet in us.” '</blockquote>