'The pavilion's temperature is regulated using energy from the solar panels, so it doesn't feel like being in the middle of the desert. Although the cone is a controlled environment, it's more open than conventional vertical farms and uses less energy, says Raaphorst, and it can be used anywhere in the world.
"Climate change and population growth put pressure on resources," he adds. "It's important to come up with new technologies. We've come up with the biotope, a mini world in the desert. It can be replicated everywhere, on-shore, off-shore, inside, outside. We can use it in different environments and in different parts of the world." '
The Netherlands Expo pavilion makes its own water to grow food in the desert heat, February 19, 2022
'..a portable size off-grid application, powered by solar energy: a new and autonomously working, water source running on renewable energy.''
1. What does the name SunGlacier stand for?The name SunGlacier embraces the contrast between ice and desert. At the same time it covers the counter-intuitive aim of the project to create ice and water in the desert by making use of the energy of the sun.
7. How is it possible to create water in the desert without external energy sources or water?Outside air is blown into a cold waterfall. The moisture in the air condenses and so the total volume of the waterfall increases during its fall. This is the “growing waterfall” principle. The water that is extracted can then be drawn off.
From the start, we were focused on a portable size off-grid application, powered by solar energy: a new and autonomously working, water source running on renewable energy. With this goal, our aim has been to build a super effective system, harvesting a high volume of water with a low amount of energy.'
SunGlacier FAQContext'..if we can cut global emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by the middle of this century, we can halt and possibly reverse the rise in temperatures.'(Global Healing 2020 - 2050) - Regreen Our Planet - The Trillion Tree Campaign'..to reforest the world’s 2 billion hectares of degraded land.'(Global Healing 2020 - 2050) - Global Greening - the rise of agro-forestry - '..global attempt to plant and restore forest land..'Estimate: October, 2025 – Safire Plasma (beyond fusion) Reactors commercially available – Abundance