

(WHO air quality)(2021-2030) - '..by 2030 .. a complete ban on wood burning would be necessary, as would less livestock farming and less air traffic.'

Posted by ProjectC 
'It appears that the WHO guideline levels can only be achieved by 2030 through adoption of a radical package of measures. These measures should apply to both the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. For example, a complete ban on wood burning would be necessary, as would less livestock farming and less air traffic. Existing industrial installations would have to switch to the cleanest technology, so that they emit less air pollutants. Furthermore, only electric cars and trucks should be allowed to drive in large cities.'

'In September 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) published new guidelines for air quality. Since 2005, better data has become available on the harmfulness of air pollutants. The new guideline levels for exposure are much lower than the levels recommended by the WHO in 2005. This implies that emissions of fine particles and nitrogen oxides will have to be reduced further.

On 12 October 2021, the House of Representatives asked the government in a motion to investigate which additional measures would be needed to achieve the new WHO guideline levels throughout the Netherlands by 2030. RIVM has drawn up a list of possible measures, including additional measures for nitrogen, the environment and climate.

It appears that the WHO guideline levels can only be achieved by 2030 through adoption of a radical package of measures. These measures should apply to both the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. For example, a complete ban on wood burning would be necessary, as would less livestock farming and less air traffic. Existing industrial installations would have to switch to the cleanest technology, so that they emit less air pollutants. Furthermore, only electric cars and trucks should be allowed to drive in large cities.

For various reasons, it is uncertain that such a package of measures is feasible in the short run. Costs and compliance issues could form an obstacle. Moreover, a lack of available professionals could hamper implementation within the coming eight years.

The WHO has not stated a year in which the guideline levels must be reached. However, it has proposed so-called interim target levels (IT levels) for areas where the guideline levels cannot be achieved in the short run. These interim target levels can be used as an intermediate step – for example in the period until 2030 – to work towards the new WHO guideline levels in the longer run.'

- Overview of measures required to achieve WHO air quality guideline levels by 2030, July 1, 2022

Context (2021-2030) - EU Action Plan: “Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”

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'..wood burning is the single largest source of hazardous particle pollution during winter, creating even more particle pollution than vehicles and industry.'

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