

(To Heal)(Haptopraxeology)('We Need a New Medical Paradigm') - Healing is Voltage - Dr. Jerry Tennant

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'Once you begin to understand that chronic disease and healing are controlled by voltage, you must ask the following questions:

1. How do cells normally get voltage?
2. How do cells store voltage?
3. Why did my voltage drop enough to allow me to get sick?
4. How do I measure the voltage of organs?
5. What do I do when I find the voltage is low?

Several bad things happen when voltage drops. The obvious one is that organs simply don't have enough horsepower to do their job. Another is that they don't have the energy to get rid of toxic waste, which begins to accumulate.

Remember that at - 50 mV, there is a pulsing pain. When you have low voltage, it simply hurts all the time. Thus pain is simply a symptom of abnormal voltage. You correct it by correcting the voltage.

Our cells are seventy percent water. Thus as voltage begins to drop in us, oxygen leaves the cells. This has serious consequences.(p. 94)


To operate correctly, cells must have both the proper voltage and the proper frequency. Chronic illness is usually characterized by low voltage and a decrease in the frequency of the affected organ. Restoration of health must involve correcting both the voltage and the frequency of each cell and providing the nutrition necessary to make good new cells. (p. 514)'

'2 We Need a New Medical Paradigm

The purpose of this book is to suggest a new paradigm for western medicine. Many think that the paradigm we have is the best in the world. That simply isn't true. Our health care system is a disaster, both in outcomes and affordability.

It is true that we have some amazing techniques to help people, such as trauma surgery, cataract surgery, imaging techniques, etc. But our results in chronic disease and cancer are a dismal failure at best. (p. 27)


Our western medical paradigm assumes that when an organ fails to perform adequately, it can only be corrected by finding a chemical (drug) to make it work or to remove it surgically. As we will discuss, the western medical paradigm is based in chemistry and on Newtonian concepts.

An often overlooked truth is that we tend to get well by making new cells, not by correcting those that are malfunctioning. We replace the rods and cones in our retina every forty-eight hours. The lining of our intestines is replaced every three days. We replace our skin every six weeks, our liver every eight weeks, our nervous system every eight months, and our bones every year. This brings nutrition into a clearer focus. If we are going to make good cells, we must have good raw materials to make them. In addition, we must not be missing necessary components. (p. 29)


As we will discuss, fluoridation causes hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism causes obesity. The CDC data shows a correlation between the amount of fluoridation and the amount of obesity in states. (pp. 37-8)


Most pharmaceuticals and surgery speak to eliminating symptoms, but do not speak to healing. Absence of symptoms is not the same as healed and healthy. For example, taking aspirin or Tylenol may make you not know your joints are hurting, but they are still degenerating. (p. 44)


The theory that genes control everything about us began to unravel with the publication of "The Origin of Mutants" by John Cairns et al. They took bacteria that lacked the gene to utilize lactose and placed them into an environment where the only nutrient was lactose. They were surprised to find that the bacteria lived instead of dying. This could only mean that the bacteria changed their genetic structure so that they could use lactose! (p. 45)


It has been found that the genes that we received from our parents can be altered by our environment. The study of this phenomenon has come to be called epigenetics. Not only can our genes change, these changes can be passed on to the next generation. (pp. 47-8)


Most doctors rely on "double-blind studies" published in peer-reviewed journals for information about how to treat patients. Actually many doctors rely on information from drug salespeople on how to treat patients. (p. 48)


Most doctors will say that they will not consider a treatment for their patients unless it has been approved by the FDA and results of double-blind, crossover studies have been published in peer reviewed journals. What is clearly demonstrated by the article above is that what is published in our journals is cherry-picked so that it appears that therapies work when indeed the totality of studies show just the opposite. This modification of the truth by drug companies and medical journals is criminal! The paradigm that doctors so fervently believe regarding published studies is like believing in the tooth fairy! This becomes even worse when you understand that many of the published studies were never even done! (p. 50)


In addition to publishing only positive studies and hiding negative ones, publishing fake studies, and only indexing twenty percent of the studies, another deceit has come into prominence. It is the difference between absolute risk and relative risk. (p. 53)


Statin drugs cost between $900 and $ 1,400 per year per person. This means that we waste about 12.5 billion dollars per year in therapies that are not supported by science for cholesterol treatment alone. Now expand this into all areas of medicine. It then becomes easy to see why Americans spend more money on health care than anyone in the world and yet have outcomes equivalent to Third World countries.


Myth: The human body is controlled primarily by chemistry.

Fact: the human body is controlled primarily by electronics (physics), not chemistry. Thus to really understand how the body works, we must understand something about physics and electronics.

Most physicians operate as if the body works like a clock. If a clock stops working, you take it apart to find the broken gear. You then replace that gear with a new one and the clock will work again. This concept is called reductionism and is a part of what is called Newtonian physics (after the theories of Isaac Newton). (p. 57)


You will recall that I began my journey toward getting well by recognizing that cells are designed to run between a pH of 7.35 and 7.45. I also began my journey with the idea that if I could figure out how to make one cell work I could make them all work.


We doctors are trained to pay particular attention to things that are abnormally high. For example, we watch carefully for a high blood sugar (diabetes); however, we rarely think about hypoglycemia unless a patient is dizzy or faint. We watch carefully for high temperature indicating fever, but we are not trained that a low temperature indicates hypothyroidism. We watch carefully for high blood pressure and are insensitive to the fact that low pressures due to over-exuberant prescription of medication is causing our patients to be dizzy. We rarely look at pH levels or oxygen levels unless the patient is in intensive care.

I want to focus on the importance of pH. When I was trying to figure out how to get well, I couldn't remember a lot about pH. I remembered that it was something about acid/base balance but I knew little more than that. So I began to read about pH. What I discovered is that pH (shorthand for "potential hydrogen") is really a measurement of voltage.

When electrons are running through a conductor such as a copper wire, they are there or not. If the switch is on, you have an electron donor. If the switch is off, there are no electrons.

However, a solution provides a different situation. The solution may be an electron donor or an electron stealer. One measures the voltage of the solution with a sophisticated voltmeter. By convention, if the solution is an electron donor, one puts a minus sign in front of the voltage. If, however, the solution is an electron stealer, one puts a plus sign in front of the voltage.

For example, if your pH voltmeter measures +150 millivolts, it means that the solution is an electron stealer with 150 millivolts of stealing power. If your pH voltmeter measures -200 millivolts, it means that the solution is an electron donor with 200 millivolts of donating power.

After measuring the voltage of the solution, one can convert that to a logarithmic scale called pH. A voltage of +400 mV is the same as a pH of zero. A voltage of -400 mV is the same as a pH of 14. A solution that is neither an electron donor nor electron stealer is called a pH of seven.

With this understanding, one can see that a pH of 7.35 is the same as a voltage of -20 mV. A pH of 7.45 is the same as a voltage of - 25 mV. Thus we see that all cellular biology texts tell us that cells are designed to run between - 20 and -25 millivolts of electron donor status! (pp. 89-90)


Once you begin to understand that chronic disease and healing are controlled by voltage, you must ask the following questions:

1. How do cells normally get voltage?
2. How do cells store voltage?
3. Why did my voltage drop enough to allow me to get sick?
4. How do I measure the voltage of organs?
5. What do I do when I find the voltage is low?

Several bad things happen when voltage drops. The obvious one is that organs simply don't have enough horsepower to do their job. Another is that they don't have the energy to get rid of toxic waste, which begins to accumulate.

Remember that at - 50 mV, there is a pulsing pain. When you have low voltage, it simply hurts all the time. Thus pain is simply a symptom of abnormal voltage. You correct it by correcting the voltage.

Our cells are seventy percent water. Thus as voltage begins to drop in us, oxygen leaves the cells. This has serious consequences. (p. 94)


The human body has two wiring systems. Both are made of fibrous tissue. One is the fibrous encasement of nerves that Robert Becker named the analog perineural nervous system. The other is the acupuncture system.


Robert Becker was an orthopedic surgeon. His classic book, The Body Electric, is a must-read for everyone interested in healing. He became interested in the fact that if a human loses a piece of bone, his body will make more bone. If you lose a piece of any other tissue, it is replaced by scar tissue. In the human, it was believed that only bone is capable of regeneration. We now know that all tissue can regenerate with the proper conditions. (pp. 121-2)


The salamander is so efficient at regeneration that it does not get cancer! The regeneration of the salamander cannot be explained by the chemical-mechanistic views of traditional medicine. (p. 123)


The second nervous system of the body is the perineural system of glial cells and Schwann cells, etc., that surround the other nerves. It is an analog system, meaning continuously variable strength of signal, direction of flow, and waves of strength. It controls growth, healing, and biological cycles.

Where it was always thought that the fibrous tissue of the body serves only as structural support, Becker and Nordenstrom showed that fibrous tissue in the body also serves to conduct electrons, much like copper wire in our homes.

It seems that Becker never realized that the fibrous sheath called the perineural nervous system was actually bringing in electrons to change the voltage from operating voltage to healing voltage. (pp. 125-6)


Most scientists do not believe that cells can dedifferentiate from normal cells back to adult stem cells. It is believed that once cells differentiate into functional cells, they cannot go back the other way. For example, once a stem cell becomes a liver cell, it can never be anything except a liver cell. Becker showed that isn't true. Frog red blood cells have a nucleus. Becker exposed them to small electron-stealer currents (in billionths of amperes). They became stem cells. (p. 126)


5 Nutrition

The key to making chronic disease better is making a single cell work. If you give the body the things a single cell needs to work, the body often has the power to heal all of the cells of the body. That means you get well!

A cell is made up of a cell membrane and the inside, called the cytoplasm. The cell membrane is made of fats. It controls the cell and is consider the "brain" of the cell. That means you must have the proper fats to make those membranes. About twenty percent of your body is this fat, so if you weigh two hundred pounds, you need forty pounds of perfect fat to be healthy. Since cells replace themselves on an average of about eight weeks, you would need to absorb about five pounds of fat per week to stay healthy!

The cytoplasm of the cell is made up of proteins assembled from amino acids. There are eight amino acids that the body can't make (ten in children). Thus they are called essential amino acids. You must eat enough protein and have stomach acid to break the proteins into amino acids to fill this need.

To be used, proteins and fats need vitamins and minerals. To date, I have never seen a patient with a chronic disease that is not mineral deficient, and most are vitamin deficient as well. (p. 181)


As a final example, consider the French. The French diet is loaded with saturated fats in the form of butter, eggs, cheese, cream, liver, meats, and rich pates. Yet the French have a lower rate of coronary heart disease than many other western countries. In the United States, 315 of every 100,000 middle-aged men die of heart attacks each year; in France the rate is 145 per 100,000. In the Gascony region, where goose and duck liver form a staple of the diet, this rate is a remarkably low: 80 per 100,000. This phenomenon has recently gained international attention and has been dubbed the paradox francais.

Clearly, something is wrong with the theories we read in the popular press (and used to bolster sales of low-fat concoctions and cholesterol-free foods). The notion that saturated fats per se cause heart disease as well as cancer is not only not facile, it is just plain wrong. But it is true that some fats are bad for us. In order to understand which ones, we must know something about the chemistry of fats. (pp 222-3)


Saturated fats vary in length from short to long. Butter and coconut oil contain a large portion of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, while stearic acid, the main component of beef fat, is a long-chain fatty acid with 18 carbons. Oleic acid, linoleic acid, and linolenic acid also have 18 carbons. Very-long-chain fatty acids, such as those found in fish oils and organ tissues, tend to be highly unsaturated, with four, five, and even six double bonds.


In general, the body uses the longer-chain fatty acids, including the longer-chain saturated fatty acids, to construct membranes and vital hormone-like substances, to create electric potentials, and to move electric currents. (p. 225)


In contrast, dietary saturated fats (e.g., coconut, palm, beef, butter, eggs) contribute to optimal utilization of essential fatty acids. Thus, although not called essential, saturated fats are absolutely necessary in the diet, not only for the role they play in enhancing EFA utilization, in supplying quick energy, and in their immune system enhancing characteristics, but also because of the important vitamins they carry. (p. 228)


When you eat proteins, a part of them is converted to glucose. However, eating protein causes the pancreas to make glucagon instead of insulin. The glucagon fills the liver with glucose and then deposits the rest in fat cells. However, there is a big difference between glucagon and insulin. Glucagon can turn the fat back into glucose. So when the hour goes by and the brain notices that the liver is getting low on fuel, it doesn't really care because it realizes that you have a two-year supply of glucose in that belly that hangs over your belt. With glucagon present, it isn't worried that it will run out of fuel, so it doesn't insist on you eating some carbs. (p. 257)


Vitamin B12

According to John V. Dommisse, MD, an expert in vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) deficiency and therapy, the psychiatric conditions most associated with vitamin B12 deficiency include toxic brain syndrome, paranoia, violence, and depression. There is a well-documented association between B12 deficiency and dementia. (p. 265)


Says Dommisse: "The third most common psychiatric manifestation of this deficiency is violent behavior, yet how often is this deficiency ever sought or treated in criminal cases of violent behavior? I have witnessed numerous cases of rage attacks, temper outbursts, domestic violence, etc., where the violence ceased after the patient's B12 deficiency was diagnosed and properly treated."

The fourth and last major psychiatric effect of this deficiency is paranoid ideation and even paranoid psychosis (but not schizophrenia).

Fatigue is another symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency but the medical community has been slow to recognize the connection. "Even after major articles, like that of Lindenbaum in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1988," says Dommisse, "fatigue is still not recognized as a prominent feature of B12 deficiency syndrome. Peripheral neuropathy is another non-psychiatric condition that can result from this and other B vitamin deficiencies. However, by the time the deficiency is recognized (serum level below 200 pg/ml), just as in the case of the dementia, the neuropathy may well have become irreversible. Then the treating physician will say, 'See, B12 treatment does not reverse dementia (or neuropathy)!'" (pp. 265-6)


6 Hypothyroidism

In this chapter, we are going to discuss the causes of a major epidemic in the United States. The symptoms of the epidemic—obesity, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart attacks, depression, etc.—are well known. However, the root causes of these miseries are not well known.

To discuss hypothyroidism, we must first discuss metabolic syndrome X and iodine deficiency as this understanding is necessary to understand hypothyroidism. Most doctors agree that what is called metabolic syndrome X is responsible for most of the illnesses in the United States. So what is metabolic syndrome X? (p. 273)


Iodine is bactericidal even at dilutions of 1:170,000! Microorganisms do not develop resistance to iodine.

Iodine is so important in brain development that iodine deficiency is the leading cause of intellectual impairment in the world! (ADD/ADHD?)

Hypothyroidism is one of the leading causes of violent behavior in the world. (p. 277)


Up to ninety percent of the American population has undiagnosed hypothyroidism! This epidemic is causing havoc with our mental and physical health. It is easily and inexpensively treated. The primary cause is fluoride in our water and dental products and lack of iodine. Soy also shuts down the entire endocrine system including the thyroid. (p. 279)

. .

Thyroid hormone is pivotal in good health. Cells cannot perform correctly without having - 20 to -25 millivolts. Neither can they perform their chemical reactions correctly if the temperature is too low. Forty percent of T-3 is used by the cell to maintain body temperature and sixty percent is used to maintain body voltage. Thus without enough functional thyroid hormone, your cells can't work correctly and you will be fatigued and sick. (p. 323)


7 Cholesterol and Heart Disease

Because understanding how medical studies are manipulated to confuse doctors and others on the efficacy of drugs, I am repeating the information about absolute risks versus relative risks in this chapter. It is also discussed in another chapter. (p. 325)


Cholesterol is one of the most critical chemicals needed by the body. However, it has been characterized as a pest that must be stamped out at all costs..


We physicians have another great burden—the legal and insurance systems. When we determine that we have been mislead by our peers with fictitious studies or by the FDA, CDC, etc., as in the case of mercury, we want to change the way we treat our patients. However, the insurance industry has set up "standards of practice" that tells doctors how they must treat patients. If we don't follow those guidelines, we can be charged with malpractice.

Often we are caught between doing what we know is right and being sued for malpractice. Doctors often choose doing what we know is wrong to enable us to keep our license and our reputation for integrity, our homes, money, etc., that we have worked years to achieve. Only a few states offer physicians the ability to let their patients choose "standard of practice" care or "scientifically proven" care.

I am going to prove to you that the medical literature does not support the theory that cholesterol has anything significant to do with coronary artery disease. To do so, I must first talk about why we doctors became confused about the role of cholesterol and fats in causing heart attacks and strokes. (p. 329-330)


After stopping his work in Minnesota, [Dr. Ancel Keys] said, "...There's no connection whatsoever between cholesterol in food and cholesterol in the blood. None. And we've known that all along." 1997 (p. 331)


Today, after forty years, the current director of this study admits:

"In Framingham, Mass., the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower the person's serum cholesterol.... [W]e found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, and ate the most calories weighed the least and were the most physically active."

Thus we see that eating fat doesn't make you fat (unless it's trans fats). Eating enough good fat to make functional new cells and hormones makes you healthy. (pp. 340-1)


This is a meta-analysis. That means that they took many studies and tried to combine them into one set of data. The odds that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs caused damage to patients were 58.3 percent, and the odds they didn't damage patients were 41.7 percent. The odds that the drugs reduced heart attacks/death were 42.5 percent and the odds they didn't help were 57.5 percent.

It should now be apparent that we doctors, and thus our patients, have been manipulated to believe that cholesterol is the critical factor controlling coronary artery disease when it is not. It has only minor effects that may not be significant. We have also been manipulated into believing that lowering cholesterol and/or LDL cholesterol reduces heart attacks. (p. 358)


Low Cholesterol Increases Your Risk of Dying

There are many studies that show that lowering total cholesterol levels and/or LDL levels have very little effect on the likelihood that you will die of a heart attack. Studies do show that lowering your cholesterol levels significantly will increase your risk of dying of cancer. (p. 359)


In a study by H.E. Sartori, it was found that the cholesterol level present when cancer is diagnosed is a good indicator of how long that patient will live. This makes sense since the more disabled the liver is (and thus unable to make enough cholesterol to heal), the more likely the patient is to die. This should have some meaning to the cardiologists who are insisting on getting cholesterol levels down below 100! (pp. 361-2)


Of course if the magnetic field around the red blood cells and in the endothelium of the artery is low (low zeta potential), the cells and platelets will clump, causing a heart attack.

What controls the magnetic field of cells? The voltage, of course. (p. 379)


8 Infections


A little recognized effect of antibiotics is the formation of bacteria without cell membranes call L-forms or pleomorphic forms.

Bacteria without cell membranes are largely ignored by medical doctors because they do not grow in a standard culture plate. If a doctor takes a swab of fluid from a wound or a drop of blood and sends it to the lab for culture, it will often come back as "No Growth". Doctors believe this means that there are no bacteria present. However, bacteria without cell membranes are almost always present.

Cell Wall Deficient Organism

L-form bacteria also known as L-phase bacteria, L-phase variants or cell wall deficient (CWD) bacteria, are strains of bacteria that lack cell walls They were first isolated in 1935 by Emmy Klieneberger-Nobel, who named them "L-forms" after the Lister Institute in London where she was working. Two types of L-forms are distinguished: unstable L-forms, spheroplasts which are capable of dividing, but can revert to the original morphology and stable L-forms, L-forms which are unable to revert to the original bacteria.

These forms were apparently first described by Antoine Bechamp in 1857. Considering early work of Bechamp, Günther Enderlein, who was an opponent of Louis Pasteur, and based on a point of view of contemporary Wilhelm von Brehmer (1883-1958), and based on his own microscopic observation, developed his own complicated pleomorphism hypothesis. He was convinced that every microorganism would pass through a particular development-cycle, that he called cyclode (bacterial cyclode). Bechamp had issued earlier the opinion that in every animal or plant cell there were small particles, that he called microzymas or granulations moléculaires. These particles were able to transform into pathogen bacteries, under certain circumstances. Pasteur and the scientific community did not accept this opinion.

At that time it was also known that Plasmodia (causing agents of malaria) were able to change form during the different development stages.

In 1925 Enderlein published his main work: Bakterien-Cyklogenie. He developed not only a complex hypothesis, but at the same time he created also his own terminology that makes reading of his papers difficult or even impossible. He stated that small harmless and beneficial herbal particles were present in every animal or plant and may transform into larger and pathogen bacteria or fungi under certain circumstances. The smallest particles are called protit, symbionts or endobionts. Protits are, according to Enderlein, small colloids of proteins, sized between 1 and 10 nm. Enderlein believed there was a difference between acid and alkaline symbionts. These particles are able to be transmitted by way of the placenta before the birth.

It has been recently shown that these small particles that Enderlein called protits are actually microcysts that are a communication system between cells. (pp. 384-6)


Although L-forms can develop from Gram-positive as well as from Gramnegative bacteria, in a Gram stain preparation the L-forms always color Gram-negative, due to the lack of a cell wall.

The cell wall is important for cell division which, in most bacteria, occurs by binary fission. The lack of cell walls in L-forms means that division is disorganized, creating a variety of cell sizes, from very tiny to very big. (p. 386)


Koch's postulates are still considered the way to prove or disprove infectious diseases. However, they ignore cell-wall-deficient organisms because they cannot be cultured in the absence of antibiotics or lysozyme! We will discuss shortly the likelihood that they play a role in what is considered autoimmune diseases.

Many scientists and physicians ignore L-forms since they are not part of the usual paradigm of bacteriology. (p. 389)


A relatively new microscope has been developed in Germany called the Ergonom microscope. Most microscopes can only achieve 1000 power. This amazing microscope can achieve 40,000 power and see living microorganisms in 3D and color and watch them change from one kind to another! See videos at www.grayfieldoptical.com.

According to Beauchamp and others, L-forms cannot be killed by the heat of a volcano, radiation, freezing, or any known method except by changing the energy (voltage) of the environment. When the environment changes for the better, they change to nonpathogenic forms. As the environment changes for the worse, they change to increasingly pathogenic forms. (p. 390)


The Consequences of Low Voltage

The amount of oxygen that will dissolve in water is dictated by the voltage of the water. As the voltage increases, more oxygen dissolves in it. As the voltage drops, the oxygen leaves solution and escapes.


When bacteria are active in our bodies, they want to have lunch. Since they don't have teeth, they must dissolve our cells to get the nutrients. These digestive enzymes get into our bloodstream and go throughout the body. They attack cells distant from where the bacteria or L-forms exist. The damage caused by these toxins is often diagnosed as an autoimmune disease.

Along with lack of voltage adequate for the cells to function, chronic pain, decreased oxygen, and bugs having lunch, a reduction in voltage causes poor metabolism. Remember that voltage determines the amounts of oxygen available. When oxygen is available, for each unit of fatty acids one metabolizes, you get 36-38 molecules of ATP (charged batteries). When oxygen is decreased, you get two molecules of ATP. It's like your car going from 38 miles to the gallon to 2 miles to the gallon! (p. 391-2)


9 Dental Toxins


Most dentists are convinced that they can seal the tooth so that infection in the tooth is impossible. Unfortunately, that is wishful thinking. This study published in the root canal doctors' own journal shows the problem clearly. They took patients that were going to have wisdom teeth removed. They did a root canal on one tooth. Then three months later they removed both teeth. What you see is that the untreated tooth had 1.1% of the tubules infected. However, the tooth that had the root canal performed three months earlier had infection in 39% of the tubules! (p. 423)


A study done at the University of Kentucky looked at the effects of root canal toxins on the immune system. When the teeth are infected with bacteria, they produce a toxin called thio-ethers. When the infection is caused by fungus, it produces gliotoxins. (p. 426)


Root Canals and Infected Bone


One of the problems with root canals is that they often spread their infection into the surrounding bone. This is a huge problem since infections in bone are so hard to cure. They are often called "cavitations". Unfortunately these infections cannot be seen with standard dental x-rays. One can only see them with digital x-rays or 64-slice CAT scans. The hole in the photo is where a root canal has been removed. You can see the blackened infected bone that surrounded the root canal.

Generally one cannot measure the voltage coming from a root canal tooth. However, one can measure the voltage coming from a tooth if it has metal in the form of a filling or crown. Teeth, like the rest of cells, are designed to run at - 20 to - 2 5 millivolts. You can take a voltmeter that measures in millivolts. Place one electrode on the cheek and one on the metal of the tooth. If you measure more than 100 millivolts, either that tooth or one of its neighbors is infected. (pp. 437-9)


10 Allergies

Allergies plague most people at one time or another. For some, it is an annoying runny nose. For others it is the inability to live outside of a special room. For a few, it is sudden death.

What could cause our immune systems to perform in such an abnormal way?

Allergies are the interaction of antibodies and other chemicals made by our immune system. These antibodies believe that the proteins we are eating, breathing, or coming in contact with are dangerous to us and they are trying to destroy them. In the process, they make us sick. (p. 441)


“You cannot be well unless you have adequate stomach acid. The human is designed to never ever absorb proteins!”

It is rare to find a traditional physician that recognizes the role of iodine in the prevention and cure of allergies. We discussed the role of iodine in the formation of stomach acid in the nutrition chapter as it relates to body voltage. Now we will discuss how iodine relates to allergies.

The human body is designed so that NO complete protein will be absorbed into the system. The reason is that when the body makes a protein, it knows that it is not an enemy because it made it. However, when a protein that the body did not make is found, it is assumed that it is a foreign invader like a virus, bacteria, fungus, etc. It therefore makes antibodies against that protein and attacks it with the purpose of destroying it. (p. 441-3)


Without stomach acid you can’t absorb zinc [or digest proteins!].. (p. 445)


11 Heavy Metal Poisoning


Heavy metals damage mitochondria and therefore destroy cells' ability to function by interfering with voltage. They also inactivate enzymes causing cells to malfunction. The most common metals that cause trouble are mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. (p. 457)


A May 2000 study by economic consultant Rick Nevin theorizes that lead exposure explains 65% to 90% of the variation in violent crime rates in the U.S. and other countries. (p. 459)


Lead tends to be suppressed in bone by hormones. As your hormone levels decrease, the lead leaches out of bone and often affects the heart in the 40's to 50's = the age of heart attacks! (p. 461)


It is critical that one look at total body voltage before attempting to remove metals. If your voltages are low, there is a tendency for the metals to be moved from one part of the body to another but not excreted. This often aggravates the situation instead of making it better. Restore the voltage and then correct the heavy metal poisoning. (p. 463)


12 BioModulator


How is the BioModulator Different from TENS Devices?


I have taken the basic waveform and modified it in a proprietary way to emit frequency patterns from the Tennant BioModulator® that are not present in any other similar device. (p. 484)


I have attempted to give only a few examples of the usefulness of the BioModulator and a voltmeter in determining the underlying cause of illness = low voltage. You can expand the examples to almost any illness. The location of the illness usually tells you the BioTerminal that will have low voltage. You will quickly learn which Tesla circuits monitors each BioTerminal. (p. 499)


Cells in the adult human are designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts and to heal at - 50 millivolts. The minus sign means that the voltage is an electron donor. If the voltage drops to the point the solution is an electron stealer, we put a plus sign in front of the voltage. Cancer occurs at +30 millivolts. (p. 505)


Treatment of Low Voltage and Low Frequency


Once one determines that the voltage of an organ is low, you will want to correct it .. Correcting frequency is not as commonly understood.. (p. 507)


To operate correctly, cells must have both the proper voltage and the proper frequency. Chronic illness is usually characterized by low voltage and a decrease in the frequency of the affected organ. Restoration of health must involve correcting both the voltage and the frequency of each cell and providing the nutrition necessary to make good new cells. (p. 514)


14 Emotions


Thus I began to look at whether emotions that were inappropriate were simply low voltage in the part of the brain associated with each individual BioTerminal and acupuncture system. It seems to be true. (p. 517)


Emotions are a constant companion of illness. Most people believe that the emotional makeup of a person cannot be changed. That simply isn't true.. (p. 520-1)

15 Nitric Oxide

People that eat vegetable diets to lower blood pressure consume nitrates and nitrites five times the amount higher than that proposed by the World Health Organization!. The amount of nitrates and nitrites in your saliva after you eat a spinach salad is much higher than that recommended by the scientific "experts". Does spinach or your saliva cause cancer? Not likely. Moreover, the amount of nitrates and nitrites in breast milk is higher than in any other food or beverage! (p. 526)


So—remember to correct your stomach acid and eat your green vegetables. Correct your vitamin and mineral levels so you can make nitric oxide. It can help prevent glaucoma, macular degeneration, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and all the other maladies listed.. (p. 530)

16 Humc/Fulvic Acid

Most of us think of fungus as something disgusting in the same category as insects. It's everywhere but you try to avoid it (except for the mushrooms you put on your salad and steak). The reality is that fungus plays a major role in both health and sickness. (p. 531)


Fungus and Disease


It apparently has not been studied. However, if this same thing happens in humans, it would explain what is normally called "random mutation" of DNA in cancer patients. Thus as voltage drops, fungus in the human wakes up and infects human cells. It could be that the fungus then takes over the DNA changing the cell into a cancer cell. Making more fungus makes more cancer cells. Since the role of fungus is to decompose dead organic material, it performs this role. However, it is accomplished inside an organism that is still alive until it finally kills the organism. (p. 539)


Unfortunately, farmers use pesticides to kill the fungus. So after a time, the soil becomes depleted of humic/fulvic so the seeds they plant won't grow. Thus they add fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (NPK fertilizers). This will allow the plants to grow, but they lack much of the nutrition needed for healthy cells. Thus our farming practices allow for more produce but it significantly less nutritious than naturally occurring (organic) produce. Add to that the fact that most of our seeds have a pesticide added to their DNA (genetically modified seeds), and we have a food supply that is less than nutritious and filled with pesticides. (p. 544)


In Nature, just one of Fulvic and Humic's functions, is to insure Delivery of Nutrients—all 74+ organic ionic minerals, organic vitamins, amino acids and other phytonutrients—to all living things including human beings. In this capacity they are a FULL SPECTRUM MINERAL AND NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENT DELIVERING ALL 74+ Macro, Micro and Trace Minerals, Organic Vitamins, Amino Acids, and Other Nutrients our bodies need, in their organic ionic forms, and in just the right proportions vitamins and minerals need to work synergistically with each other to support our bodies' intricate design. (p. 545)'

- Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), PSc.,D, Healing is Voltage (Third Editon, 2013)

Context (Harvard)(Tuft)(To Heal)(Teal)(Cure cancer)(Regeneration)(Bioelectrics) - '..the genetics doesn't matter, what matters is that you get the voltage right.'

(Project C - Phase II 2022 - 2032) - Eye Opener, To Heal in The Electric Universe

(Project C - Phase 1) - '..a Workerless Society.' - Take the work out of work - '..the Art of Being Human'

(Haptopraxeology - Electric Universe - Teal - Bazaarmodel) - Educating for Wisdom and Compassion: Creating Conditions for Timeless Learning

Affective Introspection


2Grid - To create the environment where we learn the Art of Being Human

(Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century) - '..the materialistic consensus which undergirds practically all of current mainstream psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind is fundamentally flawed..'

‘Psychology and Thymology’

(Praxeology) - '..the behaviorist and the experimentalists versus the praxeologists and the philosophers..'