'Pay attention to your own inner life, to your own experiences.'<blockquote>'He payed attention to his own experiences, to his own inner life.
He took careful notes of what was happening to him.
So this may give you some insperation to pay attention to your own inner world. That was the most consistent drumbeat of Bob's message. Pay attention to your own inner life, to your own experiences.
And when you are out, you know moving in different situations, just be aware, you know, of your very presence may bring that kind of vibrancy and a set of new possibilities that could open up things for people that you come in contact with.'
- Robert Emmett Monroe (
Source, 2013)</blockquote>
'..It is clear we are not referring to the information published in specialized magazines, books, newspapers, computers, etc. The only information or knowledge relevant to society is that which someone is aware of, though in most cases only tacitly, at each point in history..'<blockquote>'Finally, let us remember that each man-actor possesses some bits of practical information which, as we have seen, he tends to discover and use to accomplish an end. Despite its social implications, only the actor has this information; that is, only he possesses and interprets it consciously. It is clear we are not referring to the information published in specialized magazines, books, newspapers, computers, etc. The only information or knowledge relevant to society is that which someone is aware of, though in most cases only tacitly, at each point in history. Therefore, each time man acts and exercises entrepreneurship, he does so in a characteristic,
personal, and unrepeatable manner all his own, a manner which arises from his attempt to gain certain objectives or arrive at a particular vision of the world, all of which act as incentives and which, in their particular form and circumstances, only he possesses.
The above enables each human being to obtain certain knowledge or information which he discovers only depending on his ends and circumstances and which no other person can possess in an identical form.'
- Jesús Huerta de Soto,
Socialism, Economic Calculation and Entrepreneurship, page 46</blockquote>
'The next scientific revolution should be about mind and consciousness in my view.'<blockquote>'Scientists are humans and humans have their own belief systems and they become attached in the long-term with their belief systems. So a number of scientists have believed very much in this materialist view for centuries. So it’s like it has become a central dogma in various fields including neuroscience. It’s very dangerous, it’s scary for a number of people if you’re starting to challenge this mainstream dogma, this central dogma, you know?
It’s a little bit like in many other domains of society, including religion. If you threaten the beliefs of religious groups then you might be in trouble and that’s exactly what we see also in science. At a certain point, when the co-called “anomalous” data accumulates there comes a point where the old paradigm cannot exist anymore. I believe that now we are in that sort of transition period toward a new paradigm. The next scientific revolution should be about mind and consciousness in my view.'
- Dr. Mario Beauregard (
Source, 2012)</blockquote>
<blockquote>'How Heaven is a state of consciousness .. The concept of Heaven is about consciousness..'
- William Buhlman (<a href="[
- William Buhlman (<a href="[
Context Affective Introspection<blockquote>
Joseph McMoneagle: Remote Viewing2012-04-23 Joe McMoneagle and Remote ViewingWilliam Buhlman(Hapto)praxeology - '..an entrepreneurial, creative manner .. the subjective information or knowledge people create in the processes of social interaction.'(Haptopraxeology) - '..the near entirety of the social science community betrayed humanity .. failed .. to fulfill their vital scientific duty..'(Global) - To Heal (to prevent, to cushion) - '..Second World War possible, though not inevitable..'(Global) - '..conditions are eerily similar to the Weimar Republic..' - '..made the Second World War possible, though not inevitable..'(Monetary) bureaucracy - '..our organizations are .. hostages to an ideology that is, in a real sense, inhuman.'Project Consciousness</blockquote>