'..kowtows to authority out of tremendous fear..'<Blockquote>'..I would say that some organizations are so political and unsafe that they resemble concentration camps. Everyone kowtows to authority out of tremendous fear..'
- Kets de Vries (
Source, 2004)</blockquote>
'..nihilistic scientists and philosophers.'<blockquote>'..I am absolutely convinced that the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidanek were ultimately prepared not in some ministry or other in Berlin, but rather at the desks and lecture halls of nihilistic scientists and philosophers.'
'..the nature of a human being .. Maslow referred to the ultimate human state of consciousness as the Peak Experience .. the stakes are high.'</blockquote>
'..The story of the global workforce is a sad tale of wasted talent and energy.'<blockquote>'..For a few lucky people, work is a place of joyful self-expression, a place of camaraderie with colleagues in pursuit of a meaningful purpose. For far too many, it is simply drudgery, a few hours of life “rented out” every day in exchange for a paycheck. The story of the global workforce is a sad tale of wasted talent and energy.
If you think this is too strong a statement, consider the 2012 survey conducted by Tower Watson, a human resources consulting firm. It polled 32,000 workers in the corporate sector in 29 countries to measure employee engagement (as well as the key factors contributing to engagement, such as confidence in senior management and the perceived interest by senior management in employee well-being). The overarching conclusion: just around a third of people are engaged in their work (35 percent). Many more people are “detached” or actively “disengaged” (43 percent). The remaining 22 percent feel “unsupported.” This survey is not a negative outlier. The same survey has been administered for years, and in some years results have been worse still. Gary Hamel, a scholar and writer on organizations, aptly calls survey results such as these
the shame of management...What if we could create organizational structures and practices that didn’t need empowerment because, by design, everybody was powerful and no one powerless? This is the first major breakthrough of Teal Organizations: transcending the age-old problem of power inequality through structures and practices where no one holds power over anyone else, and yet, paradoxically, the organization as a whole ends up being considerably more powerful.
This chapter will address in detail the
structures that make self-managing organizations possible—what becomes of the pyramid, the staff functions, the executive team, the project teams that we know from today’s organizations? The following chapter (2.3) will then describe the practices needed to make self-management work: who gets to make what decisions; how information flows; how people are evaluated, promoted, and compensated in these new structures.'
- Frederic Laloux,
Reinventing Organizations -
A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness (2014), page 62</blockquote>
'..In Gallup’s latest 142-country survey on the State of the Global Workplace, only 13% of employees were truly engaged in their work..'<blockquote>'..Initiative, imagination and passion can’t be commanded—they’re gifts. Every day, employees choose whether to bring those gifts to work or not, and the evidence suggests they usually leave them at home. In Gallup’s latest 142-country survey on the
State of the Global Workplace, only 13% of employees were truly engaged in their work. Imagine, if you will, a car engine so woefully inefficient that only 13% of the gas it consumes actually combusts. That’s the sort of waste we’re talking about. Large organizations squander more human capability than they use.
..If we’re serious about tackling the core incompetencies that afflict our organizations, we have to start by scrutinizing the
architecture and
ideology of modern management—two topics that aren’t often discussed in boardrooms or business schools..'
- Gary Hamel,
Reinventing Management at the Mashup: Architecture & Ideology, 2014</blockquote>
'..You really have to be able to think about the post-bureaucratic world..'(Management innovation) - '..organizational model that was designed to serve the interests of ancient military commanders..'(Management innovation) - The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational DemocracyProject C (
pdf) -
MDE - Laying the foundation (
Phase I (2012 - 2022) - The Beginning)
Bazaarmodel(Haptopraxeology) - '..We have lost three centuries as a result of ignoring our scholars!'</blockquote>