

'..Genocidal massacres in Syria, coupled with the breakdown of law and order..'

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<blockquote>'Syrian authorities to immediately end all acts of violence and security operations..'

- Nabil Elaraby (Arab League Calls For End of Violence in Syria, 2011-08-07)</blockquote>


<blockquote>"The oppression of the (Assad) regime will be terrible. But the courage of the people in the street and the overall struggle – despite the difficulties they encounter – along with the very youth of the protesters, will lead the Syrian people to follow them all the way to freedom."

- Subhi Hadidi

(Syria) '..the courage of the people in the street .. will lead .. to freedom.'

'..Genocidal massacres in Syria, coupled with the breakdown of law and order, would make Turkish intervention almost unavoidable. So, a Turkish buffer zone inside Syria might well be Turkey's best option to avoid a direct military intervention for humanitarian reasons, but only so long as Assad does not turn genocidal on his own people.'

- Soner Cagaptay, A Turkish Buffer Zone Inside Syria?, July 3, 2011

'Our patience is running out.' - Recep Tayyip Erdogan

US and Russia issue warning for Syria's Bashar al-Assad</blockquote>