

(The Electric Universe) - '..The vast majority of the public have never heard of any real problems with solar and comet theory..'

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'..the end of the standard model of the Sun.'

<blockquote>'The two most recent Thunderblog articles, by Wal Thornhill and Dr. Jeremy Dunning-Davies, are epic meditations on the current state of cosmology and the future of science..


Since the first publication of the electric sun hypothesis (Ralph Juergens, 1972), the electrical theorists have consistently maintained that there is effectively no convection occurring on the Sun.

And that is only one of the stories pointing to the end of the standard model of the Sun.


Unfortunately, we’ve not yet seen evidence, at least not in public discussions, that these discoveries have forced any meaningful reassessment of mainstream solar theory..


..The vast majority of the public have never heard of any real problems with solar and comet theory, not to mention Big Bang theory, star formation theory, and countless other “puzzles,” because the media haven’t properly informed them..'

- David Talbott, Does Science Admit When it’s Wrong? November 26, 2012</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Electric Sun) - 'Ralph Juergens was the person with the vision to see it.' - Donald E. Scott

(The Electric Universe) - 'The Electric Sun is increasingly vindicated with each new piece of data NASA releases.' - Prof. Donald E. Scott

'Charles E. R. Bruce .. Ralph E. Juergens .. electric currents flowing in circuits beyond the star. Lightning and electrical discharges are a form of plasma..' - Thornhill</blockqoute>