

(Planned Chaos) - 'Do we really want a repeat of the upheavals of the 20th century .. because a bunch of interventionists and central planners living in the virtual reality of their 'models'..'

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'This is what the fiat money-based central bank-led banking cartel has 'achieved' all over the world – it has created conditions that can only result in major crises and depressions. It is high time to abolish this system: by now it positively endangers civilization.'

<blockquote>'The mercantilist currency policies of the Swiss and Scandinavian central banks have not been without consequences. Property and credit bubbles have been in train everywhere and are now beginning to wobble. The latest example of authorities getting worried about this development is provided by Norway. As was the case in Sweden, the country already went through a property-bubble related crisis in the early 1990s and now wants to belatedly avert a repeat.


This is what the fiat money-based central bank-led banking cartel has 'achieved' all over the world – it has created conditions that can only result in major crises and depressions. It is high time to abolish this system: by now it positively endangers civilization.

We can see this in the rise of radical political parties in the countries worst hit by economic crisis in Europe. Do we really want a repeat of the upheavals of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, just because a bunch of interventionists and central planners living in the virtual reality of their 'models' believe they can do better than the free market?'

- Acting Man, Central Banks and Fiat Money Are a Danger to Civilization, March 7, 2013</blockquote>

'What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.'

<blockquote>'THIRTEEN years ago, researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe.

What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust.

The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany itself, during Hitler’s reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.

The figure is so staggering that even fellow Holocaust scholars had to make sure they had heard it correctly when the lead researchers previewed their findings at an academic forum in late January at the German Historical Institute in Washington.

“The numbers are so much higher than what we originally thought,” Hartmut Berghoff, director of the institute, said in an interview after learning of the new data.'

- <a href="[www.nytimes.com] Holocaust Just Got More Shocking</a>, March 1, 2013</blockquote>

'..We can in no way be said to have a free market, as the ties between powerful interests and the federal government are as strong as ever..'

<blockquote>'In the present day, following the maturation of the connections identified by Mills, Rothbard, Higgs and others, the economy has been “centralized . . . into a highly structured bureaucracy under the effective direction and control of leading business interests.”<a href="[www.mises.org];[11]</a> We can in no way be said to have a free market, as the ties between powerful interests and the federal government are as strong as ever. Politics is an expensive, high-stakes game of favors and bribery, a fact that libertarians like Comte and Dunoyer saw clearly hundreds of years ago.'

- David D'Amato, Economic Fascism and the Power Elite, March 05, 2013</blockquote>

Context (Haptopraxeology) 'Austrian Thymologists Who Predicted..' - '..The world has needlessly suffered unspeakable misery..'

<blockquote>((Hapto)praxeology) - '..Mises’s warning to the world .. not to suppress the market rate of interest in the name of creating prosperity.'

(Banking Reform - English/Dutch) '..a truly stable financial and monetary system for the twenty-first century..'

The International War on Cash, March 08, 2013

(Monetary) bureaucracy - '..our organizations are .. hostages to an ideology that is, in a real sense, inhuman.'

'..ethics in particular .. absolute principle of ethics..' - '..deze fundamentele ethiek..'

((Hapto)praxeology) - '..theorem is derived ultimately from the postulate of human action..' - Dr. Fabio Barbieri</blockquote>