

'..Training Prepares the International Space Station for Linux Migration'

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<blockquote>“We migrated key functions from Windows to Linux because we needed an operating system that was stable and reliable – one that would give us in-house control. So if we needed to patch, adjust or adapt, we could.


Things really clicked after we came to understand how Linux views the world, the interconnectedness of how one thing affects another. You need that worldview. I have quite a bit of Linux experience, but to see others who were really getting it, that was exciting.”

- Keith Chuvala (Linux Foundation Training Prepares the International Space Station for Linux Migration, 27 March 2013)</blockquote>


<blockquote>Linux Training

Our New Report: Enterprise Linux Growth Outpaces Window, 27 March, 2013

Join the first Open Source Hardware Documentation Jam, 27 March, 2013

(In The Electric Universe) Open Source Infrastructure, beginning of the Enterprise Nervous System (ENS)

Mission to Mars</blockquote>