

(To Heal) - '..more human-scale urban spaces..'

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<blockquote>'Superblock neighborhoods in Jinan, capital of Shandong province, consume two to three times more energy than other neighborhoods in the city mainly because they cause more trips by car, according to MIT’s Dennis Frenchman and Christopher Zegras.

China’s “pointlessly wide roads and squares” are rooted in Soviet-style city planning intended to “project Communist Party Power,” wrote Tom Miller in “China’s Urban Billion: The Story Behind the Biggest Migration in Human History.”

Jammed Roads

“The typical Chinese city is gray, ugly and congested,” wrote Miller. “The roads are jammed, the air filthy, the streets often unwalkable.”

Premier Li is trying to change that. China will adopt a “new type of urbanization” that puts the people at its “heart” and incorporates ideas of green and efficient growth, he said in March at a press conference in Beijing. The World Bank and the State Council’s Development Research Center are working on a report focused on urbanization that Li requested. It is scheduled for publication in December.


Human Scale

“They both attempted to create more human-scale urban spaces, and both are increasingly well received by the public,” said Fang.'

- China’s Soviet-Style Suburbia Heralds Environmental Pain, November, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>China: Haunted By Its History, 2013

(To Heal) - '..the forces and forms of nature -- clouds, mountains, waves -- in cities of the future.'

(Global) - '..how monetary policymakers somehow remained oblivious to the havoc they were instrumental in fomenting.'

(Haptopraxeology) 'Austrian Thymologists Who Predicted..' - '..The world has needlessly suffered unspeakable misery..'

(Monetary) bureaucracy - '..our organizations are .. hostages to an ideology that is, in a real sense, inhuman.'

(Haptopraxeology) - '..the near entirety of the social science community betrayed humanity .. failed .. to fulfill their vital scientific duty..'</blockquote>