

(Global Credit) - 'China is going to face some serious issues in the next decade or so.'

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<blockquote>'A major alarm bell just rang in China with the release of July credit figures according to Macro Business Australia. Chinese Credit Just Collapsed and shadow banking with it.'

- Mish, New Yuan Loans and Shadow Banking Collapse in China; Record Bank Deposit Slump, August 13, 2014</blockquote>

<blockquote>'China is going to face some serious issues in the next decade or so. I've lived here for a few years and I can say that the apartment I rent which was built in late 2000's will not last 30 years. I've had pipe bursts, and cardboard walls fall apart.'

- "CF" (Capital Flight From China, One Person at a Time, Via ATM and Bitcoin, August 13, 2014)</blockquote>

Context 'I fully expect unwieldy global markets throughout 2014: Bubbles inflating, deflating and vacillating.'

<blockquote>'..the unprecedented inflation of non-productive Chinese Credit..'

(Global) - '..excessive credit growth.'

(Global) - '..how monetary policymakers somehow remained oblivious to the havoc they were instrumental in fomenting.'

(2013) - 'This looks like to me like 2007 all over again, but even worse.' - William White, the BIS’s former chief economist

'Benjamin Strong .. his famous stock market “coup de whiskey” in 1927..' - 'Today’s .. increasingly unstable equities market Bubble..'

'..Our central bank has clearly learned nothing from earlier crises..'

'..Austrian theory is absolutely essential to successfully navigate the treacherous macro investment landscape..'

'..frantic pounding on the central bank panic button that invites tit-for-tat retaliation around the world..'

'The conclusion is simple: low interest rates do not solve the problem of high debt.' - BIS</blockquote>