

Preface of Project C - MDE document

Posted by ProjectC 

This document will give you more details about the structure of Project C – MDE, the products that will be used and the estimated costs. The paper is in continues development. New idea's or new products, which could to a better job than the one mentioned in this paper, could be implemented as soon as they are available. For example; a quantum computer would be much more feasible than the Hypercomputer, but at this moment the Hypercomputer is the best product for producing huge amounts of calculating power. The price of the Hypercomputer is low and the hardware is much more robust compared with other non Field Programmable Gate Arrays super computer chips.

All the groups are to some extend intertwined, although the energy group may be in the first phase be the lesser one of the three groups. The organization of this project and the groups will be based on a Bazaar Model style of organization and management. I will focus on the coming years on the ENS, as this is the backbone of a Bazaar Model (although the Internet or GRID will be sufficient for the coming years) ,Complexity Science and my study Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam.

The main thought of this document is that very simple rules (computations) are responsible for complexity in our reality. To harness these simple rules is harnessing complexity and there by being able to create anything you want. In my thesis Bazaar Model I made the claim that simple rules are the foundation of complexity and upon this I based the Bazaar Model with correspond for example with, but not only, the Linux Project. At the time of writing my thesis I made the presumption that simplicity is the core of reality, but I didn't knew how I could utilize this thinking into something workable, like a formula or symbol style of writing which could be an input for a machine. After completing my thesis (May 2002) I knew that there would be a long road of many years to find these simple rules that could be utilized within engineering. Coincidently, I read a review about a book A New Kind of Science [1] from Stephen Wolfram. I wasn't very familiar with Wolfram's work but somehow I had this urge to read the book and after reading the review, I ordered it (August 2002).

It was March 2003 when I started to read the book and when I was finally done It convinced me that the work of Stephen Wolfram should be the intellectual thought structure for building the Creator Unit. Very simple rules (Mathematica) lays at the base of the Principle of Computational Equivalence which harnesses (intrinsic) randomness, universality and complexity which can be used to address many phenomena's in reality. I strongly advice to read the book to truly understand this. These simple rules lay at the heart of the Creator Unit (CU).

[1] A New Kind of Science [www.wolframscience.com]