

'..needs a moral reformation.' - Peter Oborne

Posted by ProjectC 
<blockquote>'..the so-called feral youth seem oblivious to decency and morality. But so are the venal rich and powerful – too many of our bankers, footballers, wealthy businessmen and politicians.


Something has gone horribly wrong .. that needs a moral reformation.'

- Peter Oborne, The moral decay of our society is as bad at the top as the bottom, August 11th, 2011</blockquote>


<blockquote>(Affectivity) '..deontology and ethics should have a preponderant place..'

(Dutch/English) Haptopraxeologie II - '..instituties, zoals de pure goudstandaard, privaat eigendomsrecht, en het gezin..' (19 juli 2011)</blockquote>