
‘In a modern economy, in which many economic agents simultaneously perform different functions, we will use the term capitalist to denote that economic agent whose function is precisely to save; in other words, to consume less than he creates or produces and to make available to workers the resources they need to live for the duration of the production process in which they participate..’

– Jesús Huerta de Soto, Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles (2012), page 277

‘..Carl Menger introduced the concept of human action as the main object of inquiry of all social sciences .. a theory of the process of human interactions. Ludwig von Mises introduced a name for it – praxeology.


..In that sense every human being who modifies reality and pursues some ends could be seen as an entrepreneur.’

– Context: (Haptonomy – Affectivity) – Praxeology as the Method of the Social Sciences – (Affective) Phenomenology of the Social World


Ethical Affective Ambiance in the Electric Universe – Production of Money, Prices and Market

Affective Introspection

(Banking Reform – English/Dutch) ‘..a truly stable financial and monetary system for the twenty-first century..’

Time preference

‘The methodological ideas of the Austrian School evolved in parallel with the debate on socialist economic calculation, and criticism of positivist methodology is one of the most interesting by products of this debate.’

(Story) – ‘Inter-temporal smoothing’, social disharmony

‘..returning to psychology’s original meaning as the study (or revealing) of soul or spirit.’