Category Archives: Category: 2Grid


‘In a modern economy, in which many economic agents simultaneously perform different functions, we will use the term capitalist to denote that economic agent whose function is precisely to save; in other words, to consume less than he creates or produces and to make available to workers the resources they need to live for the

Estimate: October, 2025 – Safire Plasma (beyond fusion) Reactors commercially available – Abundance

‘SAFIRE can create, control, contain, sustain, and repeat-at-will any number of plasma regimes. No other technology in the world can do this. Seven years of empirical testing has resulted in a unique patented stable spherical “SAFIRE” plasma reactor.  AUREON ENERGY LTD. will commercialize the SAFIRE technology into three key markets: > clean energy production > heating

‘The methodological ideas of the Austrian School evolved in parallel with the debate on socialist economic calculation, and criticism of positivist methodology is one of the most interesting by products of this debate.’

‘..Contrary to the assumptions of the “positivist” school, we do not consider empirical evidence alone sufficient to confirm or refute a scientific theory in the field of economics. We deliberately stated that we aim to study how historical events “illustrate” or “fit in with” the theoretical conclusions reached in our analysis, not to carry out

Prometheus .. the rebel against the tyrant .. the champion of man

‘Prometheus is, politically, the symbol of the rebel against the tyrant who has overthrown the traditional role of Justice and Law. He is the symbol of Knowledge against Force. He is symbolically the champion of man, raising him through the gift of intelligence, against the would-be destroyer of man.’ – David Grene (‘.. the symbol

(Story) – Opening the gates to the Garden of Eden

‘The essential message is, stop focusing on self and start thinking about service to others.’ – Barbara (daughter of Jack Bogle) Near future Cyc, near future. Mind communication with Cyc was immersive. The 2019-2040 time period please. All the time probes were actived, some where in the past, other in possible futures. Cyc, being in

‘..returning to psychology’s original meaning as the study (or revealing) of soul or spirit.’

‘..Western psychology often focuses on the individual person as a single, separate, extrinsically existing entity in relation to others. Transpersonal psychology challenges this assumption, effectively returning to psychology’s original meaning as the study (or revealing) of soul or spirit.’ – PSYC-8009 Transpersonal Foundations of Psychology ‘’s this—children are natural—many children have this capacity to be

Holacracy – ‘ fully harness the power of every human sensor..’

‘A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot.’ – Thomas Babington Macaulay, Milton ‘..I tried to be the best leader I could—to empower people and be sensitive to their needs and issues, to develop myself, to be a more conscious “servant leader”—yet despite my best efforts, I kept running into an invisible barrier. The

(Story) – ‘..the miracle of living’ – Creation

In this world we’re just beginning To understand the miracle of living Baby, I was afraid before But I’m not afraid anymore Belinda Carlisle – Heaven Is a Place on Earth Cyc, could you run some simulation concerning the atom lasers? Cyc; ‘Yes Sir.’ ‘Alright, now, lets see: one plastic duck, one chocolate bar, one

Holistic Learning – Wisdom

“In Buddhism they have a phrase that I read to my students almost every class. ‘The thought manifests the word. The word manifests the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care and let it be born out of love and respect