

Syria - '..beg[i]n the [specific] No-Fly Zone..'

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<blockquote>'The Turkish Air Force operates one of the largest combat aircraft fleets of NATO .. NATO's Allied Air Component Command for Southern Europe, formerly known as AIRSOUTH, is located in Izmir, Turkey.'

- Wikipedia, Turkish Armed Forces (Context: ..Trade: Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Italy)</blockquote>

'The regime is not just committing one war crime, but a series of crimes against its people.'

<blockquote>'What I saw was a humanitarian disaster. The regime is not just committing one war crime, but a series of crimes against its people.'

- Anwar Malek, Ex-observer: Syria mission 'a farce' 11 Jan 2012</blockquote>

"You only need to secure a specific zone and this can be done without damaging the whole defenses of the country."

<blockquote>'Since Syrians began the No-Fly Zone Friday demonstrations in late October, such protests have been held in Damascus, Homs, Horan, Qamishli, Al Hiffah, and elsewhere to request the world implement a NFZ. The supposed leaders of the opposition movement in exile have described how this NFZ should be implemented in different ways. Last Thursday, the head of the Syrian National Council, Burhan Ghalioun, re-demanded a NFZ along the Syria-Turkey border to be enforced by any country (except the United States), although in a more limited form than the selectively enforced mission over Libya. "We don't have to destroy all the Syrian air force," he said. "You only need to secure a specific zone and this can be done without damaging the whole defenses of the country." '

- Please: the 'No-Fly Zone' Requests.., Jan 10, 2012</blockquote>

Context '..Genocidal massacres in Syria, coupled with the breakdown of law and order..'

<blockquote>(Syria) - '..a serious stand against the regime..'

(Syria) '..the courage of the people in the street .. will lead .. to freedom.'

(Syrian Revolution) - Syria protesters vow to stay firm on 'revolution'

Syria - '..The protesters are a very determined.' - '..they can't win in a long war with the people.'

Syria uprising: 'We will continue until the fall of the regime' - 'Syria can spur Iran democracy'

(Syria) '..fear has crumbled in the repressive state.' - Anthony Shadid

'..the first uprising against Bashar al-Assad in Deraa .. TE Lawrence..' - Robert Fisk

'We cannot stand by and watch while civilians are massacred..'

Erdogan: Syrian troops barbaric, 'don't behave like humans'

US and Russia issue warning for Syria's Bashar al-Assad

Medvedev: Syria's Assad risks sad fate

(Syria) 'Our patience is running out.' - Recep Tayyip Erdogan

(The League) ‘..no place for authoritarian regimes..’ - President Abdullah Gul

(Syria) - '.."the system" that did not allow for reform.' - '..grown beyond the power of the managers of these institutions..'</blockquote>