

'..the wounds inflicted in the course of World War 2 are still festering..' - '..World War possible..' - '..an alarming trend..'

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'..just one of the reasons why the institution of the State qua State urgently needs to be questioned .. the religion of statism is the most dangerous and irrational belief..'

<blockquote>'Let us not forget, the wounds inflicted in the course of World War 2 are still festering in the region. Japan waged a merciless war of imperialistic aggression, which its neighbors have not forgotten. A militarily suddenly more assertive Japan presumably makes everyone in the region very nervous. The ridiculous dispute over the islands mentioned above – which really are nothing but small pieces of essentially uninhabitable rocks – could conceivably become a trigger for war. Mind, China is not exactly behaving rationally with respect to these islands either, and the issue has by now become one of 'face' – i.e., its importance is has been ratcheted up enormously relative to the actual importance of the islands. Already the dispute has become very costly in terms of lost trade and deteriorating diplomatic relations. Who profits from this? Not the citizens of Japan or China, that much is certain – they are unequivocally the losers in this dispute.

This is just one of the reasons why the institution of the State qua State urgently needs to be questioned. The citizens of China or Japan would never by themselves entertain the idea of going to war with each other .. Governments have killed 260 million people in the 20th century alone .. the religion of statism is the most dangerous and irrational belief of them all .. Japan's decision to turn back to militarism is just one of the many recent signs that an alarming trend has been set into motion.'

- Japanese Turn Toward Militarism – Here It Comes, July 26, 2013</blockquote>


<blockquote>'America has no functioning democracy at this moment.' - Jimmy Carter

(Global) - To Heal (to prevent, to cushion) - '..Second World War possible, though not inevitable..'

Christianity, Islam – 'The Principles of the Laws Protection of..' '..Discovery of the Self'

Economics as a Science of Human Action - '..the subjective character of the discipline..'

'Our medical systems, our judicial systems, our education systems, our religious systems would have to be COMPLETELY overhauled and re-evaluated..' - Anita Moorjani</blockquote>