Category Archives: Category: Individual Learning

Prometheus .. the rebel against the tyrant .. the champion of man

‘Prometheus is, politically, the symbol of the rebel against the tyrant who has overthrown the traditional role of Justice and Law. He is the symbol of Knowledge against Force. He is symbolically the champion of man, raising him through the gift of intelligence, against the would-be destroyer of man.’ – David Grene (‘.. the symbol

‘..returning to psychology’s original meaning as the study (or revealing) of soul or spirit.’

‘..Western psychology often focuses on the individual person as a single, separate, extrinsically existing entity in relation to others. Transpersonal psychology challenges this assumption, effectively returning to psychology’s original meaning as the study (or revealing) of soul or spirit.’ – PSYC-8009 Transpersonal Foundations of Psychology ‘’s this—children are natural—many children have this capacity to be

Holacracy – ‘ fully harness the power of every human sensor..’

‘A good constitution is infinitely better than the best despot.’ – Thomas Babington Macaulay, Milton ‘..I tried to be the best leader I could—to empower people and be sensitive to their needs and issues, to develop myself, to be a more conscious “servant leader”—yet despite my best efforts, I kept running into an invisible barrier. The

Holistic Learning – Wisdom

“In Buddhism they have a phrase that I read to my students almost every class. ‘The thought manifests the word. The word manifests the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care and let it be born out of love and respect

Story – Raven I

‘..exchanges the status quo for an environment that he hopes will be more pleasant.’ – Robert P. Murphy, Lessons for the Young Economist, page 6 (Context) ‘The new trend which is introduced by the rise of plasma physics and space research is to some extent opposite. In these fields quantum mechanics and the theory of

Story (possibility) – ‘Open Source Ecology’ – Little Raven

‘Open Source Ecology is a movement for creating the open source economy. The means is creating distributive enterprise based on open source design of products and services .. a startup entrepreneur .. that will take the project into a higher gear. That is how I started..’ – Marcin (Context, 2011) ‘A Child of the Wind

Story (possibility) – A strange electric ‘car’

It looked like a car. It smelled like a car. It had all the technology of an electric car. It could drive for at least 1,000 miles (1.609 kilometers.) Except, it didn’t have any tires, nor steering wheel. The women who designed this vehicle where perfectly aware of Electric Currents Key to Magnetic Phenomena [1].