‘The first four years of a child’s life is a crucial .. decode the meaning of the terrorists..’

‘The first four years of a child’s life is a crucial time when most infants develop empathy for other human beings, she says, adding that the lack of empathy and concern for the pain that terrorists cause to others is “almost worse than the terrorist attacks themselves.”


..Kobrin says little has been done to “decode the meaning of the terrorists’ aberrant behavior from the perspective of early childhood development and trauma.”

Ann Masten, a child development professor at the University of Minnesota, agrees.’

..The Link Between Upbringing And Terrorism, May 19, 2018

‘..Therefore the only conclusion I can draw is that the habitual way of treating children during the first months of their life, before and after birth, has a patho-genetic effect on the development of their capacities.

The development of intelligence in all its facets therefore depends on the underlying affective and sensorial foundation we propose to our children.

This is an enormous responsibility for our institutions, as well as for each of us.’

– Dr. Catherine Dolto, ..The Child’s Fundamental Security by Using Haptonomy

‘..and that, in the goodness of time, all peoples will come to live together in a peace guaranteed by the binding force of mutual respect and love.’

– Dwight D. Eisenhower (Context)

‘..the whole child as its major priority..’

– John P. Miller (Context)